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*Ethan's POV*

It had been a few days since Grayson and Ethan had started at their new school. Ethan had felt the same feeling Emma did which is why he stared right back at her. The whole time Gray was tutoring, he could feel her eyeing him. He liked it, he shouldn't have though. He has a girlfriend back at his old school, and he cared deeply for her, but now he wasn't so sure as to how much. He felt terrible. But crazy part is, he didn't have to go with Grayson to Emma's everyday, he chose to.

Ethan got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around him looking at himself in mirror. He thought of himself as unattractive despite what many girls, and guys even, had told him. He quickly got dressed and met Gray outside at the car that they shared. He was surprised to see Grayson had puffy eyes and they were slightly red when he entered the passenger seat. He usually lets Grayson drive because honestly, he's lazy. He furrowed his eyebrows and placed a hand on his brothers shoulder.

"Gray, what's wrong?" Gray shook his head.

"Nothing E, I'm okay," he could tell Grayson was lying, they're twins.

"Bullshit. Tell me, you know I love you and you're never alone. You never will be because you have me." Ethan didn't know where that came from but he felt as if Gray needed to hear it, and he was right. Grayson needed his brother.

"Ethan, I- let's just say I'm confused okay? I'm struggling with something right now, but I promise I'm fine," Ethan nodded. "And E?"

"Yeah Gray?"

"I love you too."

Ethan overheard Emma tell Grayson at her house one night that a girl in his art class, Ellie, was her best friend. Ethan decided that he was gonna ask Ellie about Emma. He generally wanted to know more, what she's like. He walked in and went past his seat and sat beside Ellie who jumped a bit and then smiled seeing him.

"Hi! You're Ethan right? I'm Ellie, Emma has talked about you a lot- I mean she's mentioned you... You're Grayson's brother." Ethan smiled and Ellie's cheeks grew red.

"She has? Interesting," Ellie quickly interrupted.

"No! She just um, she just told me who you are, I swear."

"It's okay Ellie, I actually wanted to ask you something, and now since you said she's talked a lot about me, it'll be easier."

"I- okay please don't tell her I said that, she'll hate me. Anyways, what's up?" Ethan sighed and sat up.

"I wanted to know if she mentioned a feeling? I know that sounds weird but I need to know, it's important." Ellie was mentally freaking out. Did Ethan Dolan like her best friend?

"Uh, she might've mentioned something about Monday night, why?" Ethan was happy to hear that she had felt it as well and smiled.

"Because I felt it too, thank you Ellie. Keep this between us okay?" Ethan didn't want anyone else knowing for the sake of his girlfriend. His girlfriend is one of those girls that will beat another chick up for even touching her man. Ellie seemed shocked and just nodded.

"Thank you," Ethan stood and made his way to his seat. Art was his favorite class, mostly because it didn't require much work, but also because even though he couldn't draw or paint, he liked the idea of art. He appreciates it.

After school, he went to meet Gray at the front of the school like normal before they go to Emma's, and was surprised to see that Grayson wasn't in his normal spot. Ethan was confused and looked around, then he spotted Grayson's bag at the corner of the school near the other side of the parking lot. Strange. Ethan made his way over and quietly looked around the corner.

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