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Emma found herself so alone the following weekend. The only person she could think of that wasn't pissed at her was Ellie. James too, but they didn't talk much anyways. Ellie had been caught up on everything being Emma's best friend and she felt bad for Emma honestly. That's why she had decided she was gonna surprise Emma today and take her for coffee, because if there's one thing that will make Emma feel better its coffee.

Emma was lazily brushing her teeth when a knock came to the door, her parents had went out earlier that day so Emma was annoyed that she had to go answer the door herself. But she smiled when she saw Ellie, who was smiling as well.

"Hey girlie! So um, know you're going through some stuff and you know I love you so I thought why not go out for coffee? We haven't hung out since the whole Maya thing, so what do you say?" Emma wanted to stay home but couldn't say no to Ellie because she was right. They really hadn't been as close as they where since the twins came to town. Not that it was their fault.

Ellie had been her best friend for a long time and they used to always go out and sometimes they would even watch strangers in public and make fun of their outfits. They knew it was wrong but they didn't care. Emma hopped in to Ellie's car and Ellie started blasting Ariana Grande on the aux cord.

"She is feeding us one bop after the other, I'm not complaining!" Ellie said excitedly. Emma laughed, she guessed Ellie was right.

"Ooo after this song, play some Selena! Specifically 'The Heart Wants What it Wants" Ellie stopped singing and glared at Emma.

"That's an interesting song choice. Did anything happen that made you want to hear that particular song?" Emma rolled her eyes. She knew Ellie was teasing. Ellie played the song and they both loudly sung to the words.

"You got me sipping on something, I can compare to nothing, I've ever known. I'm hoping that after this fever I'll survive..."

Once they finished their mini concert they arrived at their destination and slowly made their way inside, they where talking and laughing the whole way to the building. Ellie always made Emma happy, genuinely happy. That's why they where so close. If one was sad, they both where, if one was happy, they both where. Once inside they ordered their coffee and found a table near the window to sit at. Emma also got a burrito because why not?

Ellie was quiet for a bit and sipped slightly on her coffee. Then she sat her cup down and cleared her throat.

"Do you think you'll ever really be with Ethan?" Emma choked on her burrito.

"I don't know. I don't really wanna think about him, please."

"I get that, but Em, he kissed you. He wants to be with you. That's what you wanted all along so I guess I just don't understand why you're letting the thought of a bitch, may she Rest In Peace, ruin it for you." Emma thought about it and didn't have anything that she could say to explain it. It was almost as if Maya was still around, haunting her if you will.

"I can't explain it Ellie. I can't. So you can sit here and try and get answers but guess what? I don't know them myself. Can I please just shove this burrito in my face and be happy for a second? Just one second is all I ask." Ellie shook her head.

"M'sorry. Of course. Well, how's your mom?" Emma smiled.

"She's fine. Her and dad are planning to go off on their anniversary which means I'll be home alone for two days. Speaking of, wanna have a sleepover?" Ellie laughed.

"Sure! That'd be so much fun, oh! Let's invite James too! I want him to do my makeup," Ellie chuckled. Emma nodded and they both finished their coffee. Ellie dropped Emma off at home and Emma was back to being alone. At least she had time to think and be by herself but she actually ended up falling asleep.

When she woke up her mother had made dinner and they gathered around the table. Emma wasn't hungry, well she was but she didn't wanna eat. But she couldn't let her parents see so she picked at her food. Her parents talked about their plans for their anniversary and barely noticed Emma sitting there anyways. Or she thought.

"Emma honey, you've barely eaten," her mother stated.

"Oh, yeah I'm just not hungry. I ate with Ellie earlier," Emma gave a weak smile.

"Okay, well how are Grayson and Ethan? Haven't seen them in a while," which was true because every time they had came over for Emma's tutoring session her mother had been out. Emma quickly answered.

"They're fine." Her mother nodded. The rest of dinner was pretty normal and her father talked about his new art pieces he was working on.

Once back in her room, Emma decided to text James about the sleepover and make sure he would want to come.

Emma: Hey, so my parents are going away for their anniversary for two days and I was wanting to know if you would wanna come sleepover with me and Ellie?
James: Sure, would love to! So Grayson told me about the kiss. He's upset about something you said but hasn't told me what.

Emma was starting to get annoyed that everyone was talking about the twins. She had heard enough about them today.

Emma: yeah, but I don't wanna talk about it if that's okay.
James: Sure. I get it. Well I'll ttyl I've got to help my mom clean. Bye!

Emma sat her phone down and sighed. At least she had the sleepover to look forward to now. But something was bugging her, whether she'd admit it or not.

She was beginning to regret her decision, as she knew she would. But it was her own stupid fault. So she pushed the feeling further down. If she didn't think about it, it couldn't have an effect on her or those around her.

She did however wanna fix things with Grayson. She wasn't sure if he would even talk to her. He was pretty upset for the whole Maya situation but she decided to call anyways.

"Hello?" Grayson voice came over the other side.

"Hi..." Emma said.


"Grayson, I wanted to tell you sorry. I just don't know what's going on anymore and I hope you're not mad at me and can forgive me for being dumb." Grayson was silent for a second.

"I'm not mad. I just wish you could let yourself be happy and that wouldn't try lying every time I know something is happening, that's not how friends do things," Emma knew he was right.

"I know. I'm sorry. Please forgive me?" Grayson chuckled.

"Of course. But only because that's also something friends do, they forgive each other." Emma smiled. Their call lasted a while and then Grayson went to bed.

Emma tried going to sleep but that nap from earlier really had her wide awake. She tossed and turned and eventually gave up, just staring up at the darkness around her. It had also started to rain really hard and the wind was blowing. So that was interesting. Emma turned towards the wall as Ethan crept into her mind. Dang it. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't get him out of her head. She could push it away and make people not talk about him all she wanted but it didn't change the fact of what went on when she was alone with herself and her thoughts.

"...beautiful," Emma remembered Ethan's words. She loved hearing him say it, but she couldn't believe it. She couldn't let herself believe it. Emma sighed and pulled her covers up some more.

Eventually her thoughts became to much and she cried herself to sleep.

Just as she did before meeting the twins. Before meeting Ethan.


A/N: Comment your thoughts I love reading them!!

-dolansancturary 💜

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