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It had been days, yes days. Grayson was still in the hospital and Emma was still in shock. Everyone was, especially Ethan. Their parents had came early to make sure they were there for Grayson while he spent his time at the hospital. Emma has been going back and forth from home, school, and the hospital. It may seem like her and Gray had just met, but the conversations they had while he tutored her had made them grow close as friends. He was now one of her best friends in fact. She hated seeing him in the hospital bed but knew she had to be there for him. She had to be there for Ethan too.

Sometimes if it got late, her and E would walk down to the cafeteria and get coffee together, most of the time not talking a lot though. Tonight being Friday, they knew they'd be here overnight so they headed to the cafeteria. One of the cafeteria employees always made sure to leave Emma extra thins for her coffee and even left them cookies. Emma grabbed their cookies and they decided to sit at one of the tables and drink their coffee. Ethan took a few sips and looked around. Emma watching him closely.

"When he wakes up, do you think he'll remember anything that happened?" Ethan asked out of no where, causing Emma to sit straight in her seat. She didn't know what to say back at first so she just sighed.

"Well, I mean he might be in shock definitely, but I think he will remember being stabbed. I can't imagine what being stabbed feels like," Ethan nodded. "Do you think we should tell him about Maya?" Emma pressed. Ethan hadn't talked much about it but it had been all over the news. The Dolan's and Maya were in the spotlight. Emma and James were mentioned once as a witnesses but, that's about it.

"Uh I think... I think he will find out either way, but I'm not telling him at first. No matter how mean and evil she was she shouldn't have," he stopped as he felt himself starting to choke. "Ya know."

Emma knew what he was gonna say so she nodded in agreement. Even after everything Maya had done, they still pitied her. Maybe they shouldn't, but they were just kind people. Emma got up to throw away some trash that had accumulated and strangely she felt Ethan follow her. She looked at him and smiled. She couldn't imagine what he was going through. Loosing an ex and having his brother stabbed by said ex, was anything but normal.

Then, out of no where, Ethan pulled Emma in for a hug, and she broke hearing his breath quiver and feeling his shoulders bounce. It brought her to tears and she obviously hugged back. They stayed that way for only a few seconds, but it felt so much longer. Ethan wiped his eyes after pulling away from Emma.

"I'm sorry, it just kinda happened," she shrugged telling him it was fine. "Thank you Em, for everything." Emma nodded trying to wipe a tear before it fell.

"Y-you're welcome E," Ethan frowned and reached over to gently wipe the tear from Emma's cheek. "Y- I'm okay, I'm fine."

Ethan nodded and backed away. "You sure? You can talk to me, I'm here for you. You've been here for me and Gray. You've been a great friend." There was that word again. Friend.

Emma didn't understand him. He made her feel all sorts of things but then took it all away with one word. It was honestly bugging her and she wanted to just come out and ask what the deal was, but she didn't. Instead she just nodded and they headed back towards Grayson's room. Once there, they begin setting up where they were gonna sleep. There was one extra bed and the window sill was so big it had cushions so all they had to do was choose who got what. Ethan being the honest gentleman he was, let Emma have the bed. She crawled in and got under the covers turning and watching Ethan, without him knowing. He stood over his brother and she swore she heard the sweetest thing she had ever heard.

"I love you bro, everything's okay. I'm here, Emma's here. You're okay, see you tomorrow dude," and then Emma watched as Ethan slowly pulled his shirt over his head tossing it on the floor. Emma's cheeks grew red and she tried so hard not to stare. But she did, he couldn't see her staring anyways. He then unzipped and unbuttoned his pants, also throwing them to the side before sliding under the covers on the window sill.

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