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*Ethan's POV*

Ethan sat for second not really knowing if he had heard right. He looked in Emma's direction who was also looking at him.

"Hmf fuck.. where am I?" Grayson spoke roughly. Grayson rubbed his head, and when he tried sitting up, moaned in pain.

"Gray Gray Gray!" Ethan rushed over turning the light on. "Settle down, you're okay," Ethan helped him rest his head on a pillow. "Text James," he told Emma, who was standing on the other side of the bed holding Graysons hand.

Emma did as told and quickly texted James. Ethan pushed the nurse button and when they came in they asked for him and Emma to leave so that they could run test and make sure Grayson's body was okay from the coma, aside from the wound. They decided to wait in the cafeteria for James since it was on the first floor where he would have to come in anyways. Mr. and Mrs. Dolan had been alerted as soon as the nurses knew he was awake and they where on their way as well. Once settled at a table, Ethan slid closer to Emma and she just smiled at him.

"Hi," she spoke. Ethan thought it was cute how her eyes would always shift away from him when she got nervous.

"Hey, I'm so glad he's awake. When I heard his voice I thought I was dreaming, I've missed him so much, more than I can even describe." Emma nodded understanding what he meant.

"Yeah, I can't imagine what it was like for you. I'm glad he's awake and okay," Emma finished. Just then, James could be seen through the cafeteria room windows hurrying into the hospital and looking confused. "I'm gonna go grab him," Emma said. Ethan nodded and Emma walked out of the cafeteria.

Ethan sighed, yes he was so happy Grayson was okay, extremely happy. But he didn't wanna have to tell him about Maya and everything else, he would have to obviously, but he wasn't looking forward to it. Even though she had no idea, Ethan was so glad he had Emma to help him through it and to help Grayson.

Ethan wanted to tell Emma badly how much she was helping him but he could never find the right words to tell his friend. Maybe that was the issue, he wanted her to be more than his friend. Nah, that's crazy. He pushed the thought out of his head as Emma signaled for him to follow her and James. So he did.

*Emma's POV*

On the way back up to Grayson's room, James started shaking. He was gonna have to tell Grayson about everyone knowing at school. Emma could tell he was dreading it so she placed a kind hand on his back and smiled when he looked at her, grabbing her hand. Ethan just bit his lip and continued to watch the number go up on the elevator.

They all slowly walked back into the room and James hid behind the wall and Emma nodded.

"We're back Gray, everything okay?" Ethan said as they made their way to his bed. Grayson nodded and then his eyes started to tear. "What? Are you okay?"

"I- yeah. It's just... I remember," Emma looked at Ethan in the eyes and looked back at Gray, once again holding his hand to comfort him. "I remember Maya, she- wait... where is she? Please tell me they locked her up," he looked at both Emma and Ethan, and he noticed Emma bite her lip nervously.

"Uh, she... she's gone Gray," Ethan spoke up.

"So they did lock her up? I'm glad becau-"

"No. Gray listen, she's gone. As in after what she did to you she freaked out and ran on top of a building and well, you know." Even though Grayson hated her, his heart broke. That was no way for someone to die. Ever. He started to cry. Meanwhile, James was shaking and crying behind the wall, he couldn't stand hearing Grayson cry but he was also glad to hear him again.

Emma rubbed the back of Grayson's hand to comfort him, but, she too was crying. Not as much but, she couldn't help it.

"Gray," she spoke. He looked up.  "Maybe this will help," she walked and grabbed James' hand pulling him to Grayson's bedside. Grayson wiped his tears quickly, even though they fell harder seeing James. James wrapped his arms around him and they hugged for what seemed like forever. Just enjoying the feeling of being together again.

"I-I've missed y-you so m-much," James struggled to get out. Grayson grabbed James' face and pulled him in, kissing him deeply not caring that Emma and Ethan had never really seen them kiss that way before. But they were both smiling.

"I love you." James backed away from Grayson, freezing up a little. Did Grayson just say that? James smiled and wiped his last tear away.

"I-I love you too," Grayson smiled and then winced in pain.

"Okay, not to break up the beautiful moment, but I'm suffering over here watching a rainbow unicorn puke everywhere... okay that made no sense but you get what I mean," Ethan spoke up causing everyone in the room to laugh, including a nurse who had walked in a few second before.

Emma smiled watching three of her four best friends all together. She wished Ellie was there, she cared for the twins and James too, even though they weren't necessarily friends themselves.

Just then, the Dolan's arrived and all the mushy stuff started again, but Emma zoned out seeing Ethan so happy again. He was smiling, laughing, he was perfect again. Not that he ever wasn't perfect, but he was different through this whole thing. Which was understandable. Just then everyone walked towards the door.

"Em we're all gonna go eat and grab something for Gray, you want to come?" Emma did want to, more time with Ethan. But then she saw Grayson, and decided against it.

"Nah, I'll stay with Gray, but can you bring me back a coffee?" What? She had to have some at some point, what is she? Normal? Ethan nodded and they walked out leaving Grayson and Emma alone.

It was silent for a bit, both just looking around the room. Then Grayson cleared his throat.

"So Emma," Emma looked confused and she answered.


"I heard you. I heard everything you told me, about Ethan." Shit. Of course he did.

"Oh- uh I didn't- maybe I- you know I just-I" Emma stuttered.

"It's okay. Honestly, I don't even care, it's just I'm worried. Ethan is complicated, I know that doesn't mean much coming from me but he is. I know him better than anyone. I don't want you hurt if things were to escalate between you two," Emma laughed.

"Well I'm glad you're okay with it, but trust me, he doesn't see me that way," Grayson slowly nodded.

"Maybe. Maybe not, as I said, he's complicated." What did that mean?

"Yeah, okay. So, you love James?" Grayson blushed.

"Maybe, maybe not," they both chuckled. Emma really had missed him.

It was now later than before, almost morning and everyone had left, Grayson had fallen asleep from the pain medications. Emma stayed staring out of the hospital windows and watched the cars below on the highway, the lights were so beautiful from this high up. She could watch it all night. Suddenly a presence was felt beside her.

"Whatcha doing?" Ethan asked. Emma started playing with her thumbs.

"Ya know, sitting and staring. My favorite thing." Ethan laughed. His laugh was so cute and Emma didn't catch herself laughing along with him until it was to late.

"Right, well what exactly are you staring at?" Ethan pressed. She shrugged.

"Beauty, I guess." Ethan looked down and back up at Emma.

"You wanna know something?" He gulped.

"S-sure." Emma tried playing it cool but was kinda freaking out on the inside. His tone of voice scared her.

"I'm staring at beauty too."


Thanks for all the support guys! I really love getting comments and votes! They make my day. Please share with friends who would enjoy this like you are, it would make me happy!

-dolansancturary 💗

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