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Emma looked up and placed a soft kiss to his lips and ran her hand through his dark hair, making him smile and kiss her back.

"You're so beautiful Em," Ethan's words made Emma's heart explode. She pulled him in for an even deeper kiss and lifted his shirt over his head to reveal-

"Emma wake up!" Mrs. Chamberlain said as she opened the curtains causing the sunlight to hit Emma's eyes.

"I-i'm up," Emma said weakly. She sat up and rubbed her eyes a second before pausing and realizing what she had just dreamt. She had an almost sex dream of Ethan Dolan. A guy she barely knew, who barely knew her, and her father disliked at the moment. She smiled for a quick second but frowned shortly after remembering it wasn't real.

She grabbed her phone off the table beside her and unlocked it to see texts from an unsaved number.

Xxx-xxx-xxxx: hi girl :) Gray gave me ur digits!! - James xoxo

Emma: Hi! So sorry for last night. Not sure what happened. I don't think Ethan would do that.

James: That's what I thought too until I got in the car with him last night...

Emma: Wdym? Did he admit it?

James: Not exactly. Since their car is mostly two front seats, I sat in the back which means Ethan had to get out and let me out at my house. As I was climbing out after him, I saw his shoe, and I hate to say it but, there was red paint on the side of one of them... So either he did it and is lying or there's a Dolan triplet running around.

Emma replied with a 'thank you' and became angry. Why would Ethan lie about it? It didn't make sense as to why he would do it in the first place. Emma got up and grabbed some clothes to change into, and as she was pulling her pants on, she glanced at her laptop camera and her eyes widened. Security footage.

She couldn't believe she had forgotten about the security system. Her parents had installed it inside and out a few years ago when robberies where taking place in the neighborhood. They had put one near the basement bathroom in the corner so if someone was trying to hide they couldn't. She threw some slides on and rushed downstairs to find a note on the counter from her parents.

Emma, your father and I are running some errands around town today, be back this evening. Love you, and your father said do not have that Ethan boy over even if everyone else comes. Love you, Mom.

Emma threw the note away and quickly logged into the family computer getting on the surveillance software. She clicked on yesterday's date and rewinded it until she saw the bathroom light flick on. She watched as Ethan flipped the switch, then flipped the other switch to the main part of the basement and look around, stopping to stare at a painting in the corner near a bucket of paint. Emma had to keep watching.

Her face grew red watching him smile over a painting of her, but she was surprised to watch him sit it back down, turn and knock the bucket over (which had no lid like her father had said) and continue going to the bathroom as if he hadn't realized he had done it. So maybe he hadn't. Which means he honestly didn't know what her father was so mad about last night. She felt bad and immediately called James to explain what she had just watched. She also recorded the surveillance video and sent it before calling him.

"So it was by accident then?" James questioned. "That's what I saw," he added.

"Looks like it. Now as soon as my father arrives I'm showing him. He deserves to tell Ethan he's sorry, it makes me mad he jumped to conclusions about the paint," Emma said. James rolled his eyes and sighed, deciding to say what he was thinking.

"Are you mad about the situation or the fact that Ethan is banned from coming over?"

"W- that's crazy James, what are you talking about? Of course I care about him being banned, he's my friend and Grayson's brother!" Emma knew James was right deep down and didn't want to admit it.

"Mhm. Well if you say so sis, but the way he smiled at that painting I think you both need to be honest with yourselves. Who knows? Something good might happen," James could tell Emma was into Ethan without hearing her talk. She was always staring, studying Ethan. Always smiling when he would talk, and even took up for him last night. James had been that was over Grayson the second day they talked. Look at them now.

"Okay fine. Maybe I like him okay? But don't you dare say anything! To anyone! If he finds out, nothing good will happen. All that will happen is a broken friendship, and I don't just mean with Ethan," James thought about it a minute and actually agreed. He didn't know if Gray would support Ethan and Emma.

"Don't worry, I got you girl. So can I come over and stay the night maybe? I have no friends and I need to get away from my brother even though I love him," Emma laughed but agreed and James said he was gonna Uber to Emma's.

Emma was scrolling through Instagram when a knock came at the door. She skipped to the door and opened it, seeing a smiling James holding up makeup supplies.

"Makeover time sweetie," Emma didn't mind makeup but she was too lazy to even try and do it everyday. She laughed and James came inside.

They grabbed some drink and sat on the couch finding something on YouTube to watch while they chatted. They talked about Emma's crush on Ethan some more, well mostly James, and then they talked about Grayson. How sweet he was and James gushed every time he talked about him. Emma thought it was cute and wished someone gushed over her like that. Eventually her parents came through the door and her father went straight downstairs, not even noticing her and James. Mrs. Chamberlain sat down next to James who said hello.

"Hi dear, love your makeup, it's gorgeous!" She exclaimed.

"Aw, thank you," James replied. Emma zoned out after that. She pulled up the surveillance video and headed towards the basement. Once there, she found her father scrubbing the leftover dry paint off the floor.

"Dad?" He stopped and looked up at her. Standing so he could listen.

"I found this today. I think you should watch it," and Mr. Chamberlain did.

"Shit," he said after watching. "I'm a big jerk huh?" She laughed.

"Yes. Yes you are. No, but seriously. He didn't mean to and you flipped on him. He was telling the truth. He didn't do anything," Mr. Chamberlain bit his lip.

"You're right, tell him I'm sorry and he's welcome anytime. Mistakes happen," Emma didn't know why but hearing those words made her night.

Now, how was she to tell Ethan the great news herself? She'd have to text Gray to do it. So she did. But got no answer.

She went back up and joined James again on the couch, her mother had went to nap and her father still in the basement. It was silent and kinda boring for while until her phone vibrated and James picked it up, mouth dropping.

"Oh gosh, what is it James?" He smiled and handed her the phone.

Xxx-xxx-xxxx: I got the apology and explanation. Thank you for helping clear my name Em. - Ethan x

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