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*Beginning of Senior year
*James and Grayson are close to 8-9 month anniversary
*Ethan and Emma are close to 4 months
**Character Asks Are being answered in the next part
*** please read the AN at the end it's important if you love the story 💜


Senior year. It was here and it was going to be good. Emma had a feeling. Along with Ethan by her side, and her friends of course, she knew it'd fly by.

The twins father let them move back in about a week after Ethan had almost left. Emma didn't like to think about that but it was also one of the best day considering Ethan said he loved her. She froze up and didn't answer but kissed him. Yeah, little awkward but would it be Emma if it was normal?

Sighing, Emma glanced over at Ellie who had just parked the car. Ellie giggled and playfully smacked Emma's arm. They had made up the day after Ethan almost left and it was an emotional apology. Both girls wishing nothing had ever happened so they both agreed to forget it and move on.

"I can't believe we're seniors Em, like everything has lead up to this moment and it's amazing, but at the same time scary. What's next? After high school I mean?" Ellie asked.

"College hopefully, if not then making a family and finding a stable job, being independent... You're right, that's scary," they both laughed. Both girls jumped when a knock began to happen on Emma's window. Ethan.

"You fucker," Ellie mumbled. He knew that it scared her which is why he did it. Emma got out and kissed Ethan deeply, it's been a hard twenty-four hours without him.

"I missed you," he whispered into her ear, his breathy voice caused Emma to shudder. Sexy.

"Missed you too," she placed another kiss to his lips. They locked hands and made their way into the school, they had signed up for multiple classes like art, theatre, band, stuff like that so that they could see each other more during school. James, Ellie, and Grayson also shot for the same classes. They all enjoyed each other's company and they where gonna make senior year their best year.

Grayson and James met the trio at the tables where teachers where handing out schedules. They quickly got all of their schedules and rushed to the nearest empty table to see if they had any classes together. Being seniors, they had already taken almost all core classes which meant they had a higher chance of getting electives together.

After reviewing everyone's schedule they all smiled. They had three of four classes together. Theatre, Art, and the last required Math. The semester was gonna be great.

Emma kissed Ethan and noticed some girls watching, some she didn't recognize and figured they where freshman. The girls scoffed as they looked Emma up and down and walked off, but Emma didn't care. She was to old to be staring drama with freshman. Plus she knew Ethan only had eyes for her and they had no chance.

Ethan grabbed her hand and the group walked to period one together. They all crowded around a table and began talking about random things. Much like they would at lunch last year. The theatre teacher was really chill so they knew they had at least a few minutes of talking left.

"Emma did you see those freshies giving you the eye?" James asked. Emma nodded.

"Yeah, but it's whatever. They probably where saying something along the lines of 'she's to ugly for him' and usually I'd agree but," Emma replied. Ethan smiled. He was happy he made her happy and somewhat confident. She had changed since they had first met. It was a good change.

James grabbed Grayson's hand from across the table and intertwined their fingers, causing Grayson to give heart eyes to James. James leaned over the table and placed a quick kiss to his lips.

"Hey please don't do that," a girl spoke up. Another freshman, you could tell. Ethan furrowed his eyebrows.

"Do what?" He questioned.

"Not you, the fags over there. What they do alone isn't my business but please don't do it around me, it's disgusting," Grayson let go of James' hand and James cocked his head, Grayson shrugging.

"Wait wait wait. For one, don't ever call my brother that again, for two, why is it okay for Emma and I to kiss and hold hands but not them? There's no difference. It's all love," the girl rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, just don't do it around me, that's all I'm saying." She put earbuds in and began drawing on paper in front of her. Ethan turned over and noticed James staring at Grayson, not in a good way.

"Don't let what a close-minded bitch says affect your relationship Gray. You wanna love on your boyfriend, you do that. No one can stop you," Ethan wisely stated. Grayson bit his lip and grabbed James' hand again, smiling.

The teacher stood and began to call roll and most of the names where freshman considering theatre was an easy "A" and they all wanted to impress mommy and daddy. But one name stuck out.

"Sydney Anderson," Emma slid down in her chair as she noticed Sydney at the table in front of her. Maybe this wouldn't be bad, she didn't think bad of Sydney and didn't think Sydney even knew what she did that day.

Boy, Emma was way off. Senior year would be a blast.


A/N: I'm actually tearing up. I've never gotten so much love on anything I've ever written so I wanna say thank you. Ily all and I hope this book was well enough to reread and share with friends.

Oh, almost forgot: ANNOUNCEMENT UPDATE ~~~~>>> (after the character ask *this is important if you love the story*)

Thanks so much for reading my book.

-dolansancturary 💜

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