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Yesterday was amazing. It was all Emma could think about. Or even talk about. She was sure Ellie and James where sick of hearing it at this point. But she didn't care. She had made out with Ethan Grant Dolan and had hickeys to prove it. Which was good and bad, she'd have to hide them from her parents. But that would worried about tomorrow since she still had tonight with her friends.

"Sorry I'm talking about it so much I'm just excited and nervous. Like it was great but what if he's just using me?" Emma blurred out. James put his head in his hands and Ellie looked over at Emma.

"Emma I don't think he's using you at all, I think he's actually into you. Like so into you he doesn't get it and that's making him even more into you. Get it?" Emma nodded even though she was slightly lost.

"Also you're like way to cool to use, if I was straight I'd tap that," James said jokingly.

"Really? Oh my god I love you," Emma said back, laughing at the end.

They where all sitting around the kitchen table not really knowing what to do today. They had for everything they had planned the night before, and a little more (at least Emma had anyways). They all decided to get dressed and then figure something out. James did all of their makeup and they helped each other pick out outfits. Then once they where done getting ready, they headed back to kitchen and Emma made them all her special coffee and even put it in cute little coffee cups with lids.

"Okay! Now that all of that is out of the way, let's go do something!" Emma was really hyper today. Not because of the coffee she was currently drinking but because she was actually starting to feel better. Better than she had ever felt. All because of a boy.

"I say we just hop in my car and see what happens," Ellie suggested. Not knowing what else to do they all agreed and piled into Ellie's freezing car. It was so cold they could see their breaths even inside the car.

"Please put heat on ASAP," James demanded. Ellie quickly turned the car on and got the heat started. It didn't take long for them all to become warm and comfortable.

At this point, they'd been riding around for a while. It was starting to get so boring that Emma was falling asleep. She would have if James' phone had rung silently.

"Hello?... yeah I guess, bored anyways... mhm great... okay... bye," James finished. Emma watched as he quickly texted someone and then Ellie's phone vibrated, causing Ellie to glance at it before pulling over.

Ellie looked back at James, and then continued driving. Emma was beyond confused. Why where they being so secretive all the sudden? She didn't know but she definitely wanted to find out. Just then, Ellie turned the car around and headed towards the opposite town. Now she was sure something was up. But what?

Much to Emma's surprise, they pulled up at a camp site.

"What's going on?" Emma finally asked.

"You'll see," James said with a smile before getting out of the car. Ellie followed his lead and Emma sat in the car alone for second. I mean they wheee in the middle of no where, no one else around, and it was surrounded by woods. They where gonna kill Emma and get rid of her body. She knew it.

Reluctantly, she opened the car door and got out anyways. She immediately wrapped her arms around herself because of the cold. She followed Ellie and James to wherever they where leading her. They followed a path that led them up to where three tents where set up and a fire was going. Thank the lords. They all quickly rushed to the fire and finally felt warm outside. Emma then looked around and noticed someone had been in at least two of the tents because there where blankets and pillows. The third tent was not directly in line of eyesight but she assumed there where pillows and blankets as well. While look around she spotted a familiar car parked at the side of the road on the hill next to the campsite. The twins.

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