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Emma started back into Ethan's eyes. Ellie walked into her tent and zipped it up. Grayson woke James up and they headed to their tent. Yes, they where sleeping together which meant so where Ethan and Emma.

"I'm not perfect," Emma said.

"Neither am I," Ethan replied. He then took her hand and led her inside the tent. Emma was amazed. Ethan had made them a comfy bed, and strung up lights above it. This is what he was doing earlier.

"Ethan did you do this for me?" Ethan smiled and nodded. Crawling to his side of the tent and laying down. Emma crawled to the other side but didn't lay down. She sat crisscross, facing Ethan.

Ethan furrowed his eyebrows and sat up, mimicking her position so he was facing her.

"Are we meditating or something?" Ethan joked. Emma smiled.

"No, goofball. I was just not ready to lay down, I'm freezing." The fire was still going but they where a bit away from it since they where in the tent. Ethan smirked.

"Oh, I have an idea." Ethan slowly pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his toned abs, and Emma's face grew red. He then got halfway under the covers looked at Emma, smiling that he made her blush.
"C'mon it'll be warm," Ethan stated. Emma nodded and took off her hoodie and climbed under the covers with Ethan. Who then wrapped his muscles around her and pulled her back to his bare chest.

One thing was for sure, it was warm. Emma let herself get comfortable, it happened pretty fast. She felt safe in his arms. His body heat was amazing. They both weren't asleep yet, even after about thirty minutes of laying there. But it didn't matter because they where comfortable and with each other.

"Thank you E," Emma spoke up. Ethan shifted a bit but didn't remove his grip on Emma.

"You're welcome," Ethan placed a soft kiss on the back of Emma's neck. "Goodnight beautiful," Ethan said.

"I am not, but goodnight," Emma didn't fall asleep as fast as she thought she would have but Ethan did, and he turned to face the opposite direction which meant Emma was freezing again and pulled her hoodie over her head. She silently got up and made her way out of the tent. She checked the time on her phone seeing 4:14am on the screen. She sighed and sat down in front of the fire. It was still pretty lit and warm.

Emma sat for however long and came to realize how peaceful it was. A little sketchy, but peaceful nonetheless. Just then the sound of a zipper frightened her a bit but she calmed seeing Ellie's head pop out. Emma smiled and Ellie sat beside her.

"Can't sleep either?" Emma asked and Ellie shook her head no.

"It's to damn cold, even with all of those blankets." Emma agreed.

"I get you. That's why I left once Ethan was asleep," Ellie smiled and looked at her best friend.

"Did anything happen?" Ellie poked Emma teasingly. Emma rolled her eyes.

"Not really, I mean he took his shirt off and we cuddled because I was cold, and it was great, but he fell asleep," Emma explained. Ellie nodded.

"Be right back," Ellie went back into her tent and came out with blankets and pillows. "C'mon let's sleep right here on the dirty ground, at least it's warm," Emma laughed and helped Ellie set up a sleeping area close, but not to close, to the fire. They crawled under their covers and said goodnight, even though it was well past 5am at this point.

This trick seemed to work considering the next thing Emma remembers is a bug crawling on her face, causing her to squirm and jump up. Ellie was already up and sitting on a seat near the fire, as where Grayson as James. She got up and joined them.

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