.•.Happy Colours.•.

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Date: 15.1.19
Ship: gayXgay
Type: Fluff
Words: 517


  Golden-orange and cotton candy clouds graced the horizon. Wild, thick grass blanketed the hill's peak, and was a giant pillow for Azur's and Bellamy's sore legs. Making the tiring climb was worth tomorrow's anticipated cramps for the both. Sitting down, Azur kicked off their shoes and watched them roll back to the foot of the hill. Bellamy followed suit.

  "Ella?" Azur murmured, getting their best friend's attention as they leaned on their shoulder.  "Hmm?" They hummed, listening intently. "What do you think of when you think of a happy colour?" Azur asked, tilting their head to face them. "Pink," they answered almost immediately. "Like the colour of these clouds. They look delicious," Bellamy grinned and reached out towards the flying cotton candy. "Has your sweet tooth truely taken over?" Azur feigned terror and reeled back. "I don't know what you're talking about, my tastebuds have always been in charge of executive decisions," they joked. Azur giggled and shuffled back to Bellamy's side.

Subconsciously, Azur admired how their voice always held that elegant, soft quality.

  "What about you, Azzy?" They asked happily. Getting comfortable, Bellamy wrapped their arm around Azur's shoulders who blushed. "Blue," they said thoughtfully after a pause. "But blue's a sad colour," They said a bit confused.

  "Maybe, but to me it's also the colour of a clear, summer sky, and the colour of the ocean. Reminds me of Stitch and Blue's clues, Cookie Monster," they giggled shyly. "Blueberries, my favourite candy flavours, Blue bells... " they paused for a moment then made eye contact with Bellamy.

  "And, of course, how can I not feel happy when I look into your eyes..." They took a chance, smiling. Caught completely off guard, their pale skin flushed such a deep shade of crimson their freckles disappeared. Azur returned their attention back to the setting sun to save their friend the trouble of hiding it.

  Suddenly, they felt a pair of lips smash into their cheek clumsily. Shocked, they turned red to match Bellamy. As they parted, Azur rubbed their cheek in disbelief and looked them gay in the face.

  "N-Now we're even," Bellamy stuttered out, unsure. A cheeky smile soon broke out on Azur's face, pearly teeth and rainbow braces shining through.

  "Come here you..." Azur practically pounced them to plant a proper kiss on their soft lips. Bellamy caught thenselves on their elbows as they were knocked over. Neither really knew what they were doing, and neither of them cared. "You taste like strawberry's," Bellamy breathed out, eyes wide.

  "It's a good thing I have better aim then you, huh?" Azur grinned smugly, earning only an eye roll.

  "Be quiet already," Bellamy cupped their jaw to bring them into another kiss but as soon as they did, they lost their grip. The lovebirds quickly held onto eachother as they were sent tumbling down the hill. All they did was erupt in laughter when they meet back up with their shoes in a heap.

  From Azur's new perspective beneath their new love, they couldn't help but comment, "I think I like the view from here better."


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