
370 6 2

Date: 29.12.19
Ship: Any
Type: Fluff/Angst?
Words: 96 + 107

I tried doing poetry. I'm not great at it and I think I overdid the rhyming... Tell me what you think, though??
(AaaaaAAA why am I so embarrassed??)

Imagine your otp/s.


Seeing you

Your cheekbones catch the light
The rays varnish your marbled irises of hazel green
Exactly right
And I know this is the way you were supposed to be seen
Your laughter taking flight
By lucky me
To think this chance came down to a mere might
To witness how your pearly teeth gleam
As the peach cloud curtain fell for the night
Just a maybe.

How lucky I truly am
Knowing the sunset was so red out of jealousy
Of your soft palm in my hand
Just like the stars who glistened so bright, so generously.


Pinning Over Wine

We can dine
Talk over some wine
It'll be sublime
Drinking until we don't have working spines
I'll say you look divine
And you'll scoff calling my words absurdly benign
Not worth a dime

But you'll smile
And suddenly I'll be too busy to drink, saving your image to my stockpile
Neatly sorted in a memory file
Or you'll tell me I'm vile
Or far too juvenile
My throat fills with bile
My heart shattered on the tile

How I hope you'd be mine
Even just for a little while
Guess I'll always pine
Imagining a walk down the aisle
Wishing for a sign
Always in denial

*awkward bouncing*

[}i{] *Virtual Hugs* (}i{)

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[}i{] *Virtual Hugs* (}i{)

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