•:Same Faces? Theory:•

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I have noticed a phenomenon. It's been floating around in the back of my mind for ages now, and I'm sure I can't be the only one experiencing this.

That or I really am crazy and need help.

...I mean, I already knew that, but still.

So is it just me, or after watching the Sander Sides for so long, none of them look the same anymore. To me, they seem to all have (not completely, drastically different but—) different faces, and I have no idea why.

It can't just be what they're wearing, right? Because this didn't used to happen. They used to look like the same person in a different outfit before, but now (to me, at the very least) they look like quintuplets (that's five including Thomas) that I've gotten to know so well I can now tell the obvious difference at a glance. Which is tripping me up, because obviously they have the same frickin face!

I swear I'm not high or drunk.

Unless you can get high from chocolate.

I think this might be related to the illusion that the sides are fully formed personalities. Thomas acts so well, that the fractions of his personalities appear as fully formed alter egos. This can sometimes be problematic in the way that sometimes people forget they aren't fully rounded people and get confused when they're being extreme (like when in Selfishness v. Selflessness Patton stood up for what he thought was right and, as far as I know, people disagreed with him and got mad at him). Maybe it's this illusion that they're all complete people makes you see perceive them as physically different too?

  It could be that because of what they represent and they're varying "personalities", they have a different range of expressions and this can makes their faces look different. Over time, the types of expressions you make over time effect your appearance: like a happy person will get crows feet, an angry person will get frown lines, and this makes married couples look more like each other over time as they share their lives (that's kinda cute when you think about it for some reason). But that's not an immediate change? So why?

  I literally have no clue.

  Maybe this only happens when you read a lot of fanfiction, because in fanfiction the sides are often described differently (they also look different in fanart). So maybe over time you begin to expect the sides to look like how you imagine them and how they're most commonly reimagined, and then you subconsciously see them differently too.

  Patton looks like he has slightly chubbier cheeks that you just want to pinch like you're his Mom 'cause he's  so cute, and he's got a button nose. He also looks like he has longer eyelashes to me.

  Thomas hasn't changed obviously. Though, his Sander Sides/exaggerated version of himself seems slightly different too, but I can't put my finger on it (remember, Thomas said himself that the Thomas in Sander Sides is seperate to himself in a way but more like a self insert than literally him if that makes sense).

  Roman looks most like Thomas. His jaw is softer, though.

  Logan looks like he has a stronger jaw line. Something about his lips look different. Again don't know why or what exactly it is.

  With Virgil I'm not really sure what it is but put him next to Thomas and they look so different.

  Deceit looks like he has stronger cheek bone structure (mostly speaking about his none snake side) and his cheeks are very very slightly sunken in.

  There's other slight things but again I can't pinpoint them and those are just the most obvious things to me. I'm not saying it's radical differences.

  They're voices sound very different to me too. I'm not sure if that's on purpose or I'm imagining things again. If I'd just listen to a Sander Sides video without watching the video (which I've done before cause it's like my white noise), I can always tell who's speaking because they sound different...that and I've rewatched them so many times I've practically memorised all the scripts and it's sad I need a life help—

  Based just on this, perceptions of their physical appearances line up with your opinions of them, mixed with preconceptions of what physical traits match personality traits.

It must have something to do with how Thomas just acts as these characters so well he breaths a spark of life into them. It's also important to note that during bloopers, when Thomas messes up the illusion fails, so it can't just be the clothes.

It's still the fucking weirdest thing ever when you notice it even if you can explain it away.

  It can't be just a coincidence that there's a general consensus on what the sides would look like if they did actually have different faces, though. So maybe it's something entirely different. Maybe it's just because of popular fanart. Besides the height debate and freckles. And everyone just wants everyone to have freckles.

  Freckles are precious.

Can I be frecklesexual/freckleromantic?


I'd love to get other people's opinions on this, and I'd love to know if I'm not alone or literally need a therapist. Please tell me I'm not alone, I haven't heard...seen anyone talk about this and it's slowly driving me crazy.

  (I know this isn't really a theory, sorry, it's just me sharing what makes me cry myself to sleep out of pure confusion. Would anyone want me to talk about the Side's age debate as an actual theory?).


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