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[This was made as of "Selfishness v. Selflessness | Sander Sides" being the latest episode.]


I'm not going to be talking specifically about the debate of morals in the video as I will run my thoughts in circles and we'll get no where. People can spend their whole lives debating about morality so let's not waste too much of our time shall we? However I will touch on it when necessary, it just won't be the focus. Besides, we all know that's not what we're all really interested in.

Before we eat into other theories, some stuff that's been confirmed.
- In the mind palace a side can summon anything they want. Roman can summon things in "reality" because he's the embodiment of creativity. The rules of this are still pretty muddy.
- Even Deceit knows Logan does feel emotions.
- Virgil really liked the purple hair. And really hates Deceit. But we already knew that.
- Logan is the left brain and Roman is the right brain, not Patton, and that role doesn't seem to involved the other two either.
  -  Thomas just closes his eyes and sits down when he's in the mind palace so that clears up that confusion I never should've had about wether he just teleports to a different dimension...

First off, I know that the meaning of Deceit's Logan must be a topic of discussion. It would've made sense for the logo to be a simple snake, but it obviously was a two headed snake which I find an interesting detail.

My mind immediately went to it meaning he has a "good twin" (assuming he's the evil twin) or an opposite counter part. While the obvious answer would be that Patton would be his twin, especially considering how Deceit practically death glared him while showing off the logo. If we're getting technical, Deceit's true opposite would be Logan as he physically can't lie and never has the need or want to. Patton and Deceit intersect with each other too much to be true opposites and this was demonstrated in the video (I can't be bother right now to pick out examples as there is a lot of them just rewatch the video and look out for them).

The other possibility is that the logo simply represents being "two faced". Although I'm not entirely sure that is entirely is because that is represented in Deceit's design itself with his half human half snake (humanoid?) face (can I quickly ask why in sympathetic Deceit stories that he is usually to almost always insecure about his scales?).

Keep in mind we always have to consider over thinking things too. Even if when it comes to Sander Sides it seems we usually don't think about things enough.

The reveal of the logo itself could be the meaning we should be discussing instead. The reveal of the logo suggests that, like he said, he is indeed an undeniable part of Thomas if it does just symbolise being two faced after all. With the death glare at Patton, I believe it was also a sort of threat because the acceptance of Deceit being apart of Thomas challenges Patton's very existence, essentially.

As a side note, Logan is going through a very slow arc with his feelings. He is literally the only one who denies his capacity for emotion. At first it seemed he genuinely believed that as he couldn't distinguish from his role and his personality (which is understandable when considering he literally functions as a sort of computer. Exhibit A: Logan recounting the time of Thomas being informed of the call back and the wedding). But as of late, it has turned into a defensive mechanism. He has used his denial to retain a weird sense of superiority, and as a safety net whenever he's uncomfortable. I think Logan will eventually get an episode on it but it is extremely slow burning, just like Roman's insecurity (and loneliness. don't worry, we can be lonely gays together Roman. I send all the hugs). What is taking the priority of the main story line is Virgil's and Patton's relationships with Deceit.

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