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It's a fanmeeting today

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It's a fanmeeting today.

Namjoon was nervous as lately, he couldn't help himself from regressing. He was too stressed with all the works - composing songs, dance practices, tours, photoshoots etc. He was tired and in need of rest badly. All his body is sore and his muscles are feeling tight.

Namjoon can hear all the cheering from the hall. He was getting more nervous while his stylist was doing his hair. He keeps on fiddling with the hem of his sweater. His favorite yellow sweater. He smiles fondly when he thought that it is the gift from his mother.


Namjoon trance was being interrupted by Jungkook's voice. He cocked his head to the side to look at the golden maknae. Jungkook was smiling, showing his cute bunny teeth to Namjoon.

"Are you nervous?" Asked Jungkook when the stylist finished doing her job and left the two.

Namjoon was taken aback at the sudden question. "Wh-what makes you said that?" He asked nervously.

Jungkook grinned. "Well..." He pointed at Namjoon's hand that still playing with his sweater. "You only do that when you're nervous, hyung..." He continued.

Namjoon instantly loosens up his hand, trying to hide his anxiousness from the maknae. He didn't want to make him worried about him. Not when he is the hyung and he is the one that should be appeared calm and stronger for his bandmates.

"No-nothing Kookie...I'm just thinking about something..." He lied effortlessly.

Jungkook frowned. "Hyung...this is a fanmeting only. We'd done these hundreds of times. Nothing to be worried about...So stop thinking too much, okay?"

Namjoon flinched when Jungkook put his hand over his and squeezed it lightly. Namjoon stares at Jungkook's hand that laid on top of his, feeling the warmth of it - his heart turn to serene and calm. He smiles fondly at the maknae.

"You've matured enough Kookie. We shouldn't call you maknae anymore..."

Jungkook pouted at the statement. "No, hyung! I'm still the maknae in this group. Your precious maknae! Don't steal the title from me, please! Not even after I'm sixty years old!!" He whined cutely.

Namjoon giggles at the whining. "Kookie.. You're so cute..."

Jungkook jutted his lower lips. "You're the cutest hyung!"

Namjoon eyes beaming at the compliment as he stares at Jungkook sheepishly. "I am...cute? Really?" His voice becomes thinner as if he was on the verge of regressing to his little space - unconsciously.

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