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"Joonie wove it!!"

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"Joonie wove it!!"


Namjoon cocked his head to the side, where Hoseok is looking at him with furrowed brows. Namjoon frowned before his eyes widen and he realized what he had done. He looks around where the fan cooing over his cute antics - which they thought he had done it for the sake of the fan.

Namjoon eyes become glassy as he stares at Hoseok - lips quiver, almost crying. "Sowie! Joonie sowie! Joonie..." He whispered as his breath starts to hitch.

Hoseok was shocked at the reaction, immediately hold his hand and glanced around to see if someone had noticed the commotion. Hoseok then rose up from his seat, slightly bow and apologize to the fan.

"Sorry, Namjoon suddenly feeling not well." He said hastily as he grabbed Namjoon's hand and dragged the poor leader to the backstage. The other members were flustered at the sudden action, looking at the two with confusion.

Namjoon who had been regressed to the little space fully starts to sobs while he follows Hoseok to the back. He couldn't stop thinking that he had done something wrong and Hoseok is mad. Hoseok looks so serious and Namjoon is afraid.

"Joonie sowie...sowie..." He keeps repeating the same words to Hoseok and he can feel how the grip on his wrist tighten. Namjoon winced in pain and he was devastated that Hoseok had kept walking - ignoring his crying and whimper.


Namjoon flinched at the cold tone of Hoseok when they reached their fitting room at the backstage. Namjoon slowly moved the couch at the center of the room. He sits and lifted his knees and pressed to his chest as he keeps on crying.

Hoseok had been watching how Namjoon is doing right now - with confusion. He frowned when he saw how Namjoon look so small while he hugged his knees and rocking his own body back and forth on the couch. His heart-stricken at the tears shed by the leader - something that Namjoon rarely did except he was extremely emotional.

"Why...wh-what is going on?" Hoseok asked with exasperation. He had lots of question as to what, why, how, and some cursing words in his head but he knew that he need to be careful right now. He was afraid that he will make the leader become more stressed than he already is.

Namjoon ignores the question, leaving it unattended. Not that he didn't want to answer, he just can't. He was too deep in the subspace and he can't think anything but feeling scared and vulnerable. He thought Hoseok despised him. Hoseok sharp glare makes him shudder that the rapper now hates him for being little.


Namjoon eyes were bloodshot due to the non-stop crying and his face was soaking wet with the tears when he rose his head to see Hoseok. He mumbles something inaudible, drowned with his sniffles and sobs.

"What is it Namjoon?" Hoseok asked.

"Jo...Joonie...wan...wan eomma..." Namjoon said between his sobs and starts to cry louder.

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