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Namjoon holds his favorite Ryan near to his chest and his other hand played with the hem of his blue Koya's blanket nervously

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Namjoon holds his favorite Ryan near to his chest and his other hand played with the hem of his blue Koya's blanket nervously. His sniffles can be heard occasionally in the room, as his dam continue to pour the white pearl – soaking wet his face.

Seokjin had been trying to coax the little for almost half an hour already. Everyone being so tense watching Namjoon keeps crying after they arrived at their dorm. He started to have a mental breakdown when Sejin entered the dorm together with the others and felt intimidated immediately. No words can persuade the little to stop his meltdown.


Namjoon sobs further and Seokjin grab the little into a tight hug. Namjoon then hides his wet face on Seokjin's broad shoulder. Seokjin’s eyes quiver around his bandmates with concern evidently shows on his face. He can't stop worrying when Namjoon continues to cry.

Seokjin eyes then halted on the silhouette at the corner of the room. Sejin. Their manager had been watching the commotion since in the beginning. But he remained silent for the whole time, causing some serious tension to all of them.

“Sejin-hyung…” Seokjin trying to say a word towards the manager but Namjoon’s small whimper makes Seokjin dismissed his intention at an instant. He can feel Namjoon been tugging on the back of his shirt as the little continue to sobs.

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