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Thanks for the 14k reads, you guys are my euphoria! 😂

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Thanks for the 14k reads, you guys are my euphoria! 😂

Thanks for the 14k reads, you guys are my euphoria! 😂

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Basically, everyone got the morning kisses from the little as he was enthusiastically pecked on everyone cheeks one by one - together with a funny smooch sound. After that Namjoon didn't wait any longer and dashed out from the room heading towards the kitchen while giggling happily.

"Eat! Eat!" He screamed while running leaving all his members flabbergasted at his cheerful attitude.

Hoseok wiped off his wet cheek, resulted from the kiss, looking at his teammates incredulously. "Well, I should be feeling gross at this but since it's our precious Joonie so I'll ignore it..." he says, making some funny face as he looks at his hand.

Everyone laughed and nods in agreement but never once regretted asking for a kiss from Namjoon. It was too precious and they won't be disgusted by that. But they had set in their mind that, later they will teach the little how to give a decent kiss. Well, of course, everyone had this kind of expression - evilly smiling. All of them.

They strolled towards the kitchen when Namjoon been calling their names non-stop. They cooed wholeheartedly when they saw Namjoon was already seated at the table and waiting for the food to be served impatiently.

"Appa...hungwy! Joonie wan nugget!"

Seokjin face palmed himself, sighing in defeats at the request. "We're going to go through this like - every single day, right?" he whinges to himself but obviously audible to his bandmates. He didn't know why Namjoon was too obsessed with nuggets.

"What do you expect from a three years old kid, Jin-hyung?" says Yoongi blatantly.

Seokjin bawled his eyes at the remarks before he joined everyone at the dining table. As everyone was drooling looking at how delicious the kimchi fried rice cooked by Seokjin, Namjoon, however, had another thought.

The little gnawed his lips when he can't see his favorite nugget on the table. He stares at all the dishes in front of him - kimchi fried rice, eggroll, kimbab, and vegetable soup. But there's no nugget. None of the foods was enticing his taste bud like his favorite chicken nugget.

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