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It feels hot

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It feels hot. His body starts to sweat and he squirmed under the blanket. He kicked his favorite blanket unconsciously and slowly open his doe eyes. It was dark. He knew he is in his own room but it feels too spacey and spooky. His eyes start to well up with tears as he gets up from the bed.


As his eyes quiver around his room with trembling lips, he couldn't help but feel alone. He expects someone to be with him, here in the room when he wakes up. But no one is here. Not even his mother. Feeling so hot and stuffy in the room, Namjoon pulled down his jeans - leaving him with his yellow hoodie and his boxer.

With still sleepy eyes, he took his Ryan on his right hand - securely tug the plush under his arm and the other hand took his favorite blanket. He then took a step down from the bed, scurried away from the room and walked through the hallway. He was still half awake and his steps a little bit wobbling.

As he approached the living hall, he can hear a few voices which he recognized each of it. Namjoon stood in the hallway, looking at his members one by one that had some serious conversation. But he feels weird in his stomach. The churn feeling in it like he was going to pee at any time. He needs someone to help him to use the big and scary toilet.

But everyone seems oblivious of his presence. Namjoon jutted his lower lips, sulking a little bit. And he can hear everyone strained voice. But he couldn't understand any of it. He was too little to understand the adult talks. He was three after all.

"What happened to Namjoon?" asked Yoongi directly to Seokjin.

"What did his mother said to you, hyung?" Jungkook further asked.

"Why he acted like that?" Taehyung then asked.

"But he looks really cute!!" said Jimin with full of admiration.

"And why he talks like a kid?" Hoseok further asked.

Why everyone looks mad? Did Joonie had done something bad? Did Joonie being a bwat? Did they hate Joonie for being a little?

"Daddy?" His voice comes out as shaking and his eyes were glassy - on the brim of crying. He tugged his Ryan tightly to his chest and his other hand holds the blanket to his mouth slowly - and he bites the hem of the blanket nervously.

Everyone turned their head almost simultaneously at the voice. When their eyes meet with Namjoon's teary orbs they gasped out loud. A little bit exaggerated actually and it agitates the little one immediately.

Namjoon starts to sobs. "Da-daddy?"

As they tried to hold themselves from hugging Namjoon for being too cute right now, their expression changed drastically to confusion when Namjoon had been calling someone as 'daddy'. They look toward each other, didn't know to whom did the 'daddy' word being referred to.

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