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The door has been slammed open harshly, making everyone in the room startled at the violent act.

“What happen Namjoon? Why did you ask me to come here? Is there something wrong with you? Are you sick or ….”

Namjoon snickered at the ruthless act. “Hyung, calm down please…”

Sejin sighed when he realized that he had been panicking and behaving ridiculously once he walked into Namjoon's room. Sejin blinked his eyes around the room and he was taken aback when he sees Dr. Han is standing nearby. 

Did he already here from the beginning? Sejin wonders to himself and he feels embarrassed that Dr. Han had been watching his attitude just now.

“Hi – hi Dr. Han…” Sejin waved at the doctor awkwardly.

Dr. Han cracks up at his antics. “I think you need to calm down first before I explain to you the reason why you're here…” he said calmly.

Sejin furrowed at the words, turning his gaze towards Namjoon where the young boy immediately avoided his questioning looks. Sejin instantly knew that there’s something wrong with Namjoon and his heart made a jump out of concern.

He took the seat beside Namjoon's bed, looking warily on the leader and the doctor in turn. He didn’t feel good at the chill air in the room. Something is definitely wrong.

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