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Namjoon weeps silently on the floor of his room as his eyes staring blankly at the picture he specifically colored for his favorite caregiver - Jungkook

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Namjoon weeps silently on the floor of his room as his eyes staring blankly at the picture he specifically colored for his favorite caregiver - Jungkook.

He wipes his snots with the sleeve of his shirt when it's almost reached his lips. He forgot how his appa used to warn him about it before. How he's going to make his shirt dirtier. But for now, it was the least of his concern.

He had been crying for almost one hour already but the tears keep flowing like a waterfall. No one ever come to the room to coax him. He hopes his hyungie will come and tells him to stop crying and hug him like before. He missed his hyungie and oppa so much. He wants to play with them and watch the movie together. He wants to cuddle and sleep with them.

Namjoon sobs harder. "Hyu - hyungie hate - hate Joonie. Tae - op - oppa hate Joo - Joonie too!" He wailed and pressed the Ryan plush to his chest. His tears drop on the top of the head of his plush, soaking into it.

"Joonie dwaw for - for hyungie. Wook it's pwetty!" he cried while he pointed at the picture. "Joonie wanna - wanna gif pwesent to hyungie!"

Namjoon continues to cry and he didn't know for how long he's been doing that but he ends up exerted himself. He laid down on the cold floor, moving his knees into his chest while still hugging his Ryan - curling into a ball. His eyes swollen due to crying non-stop.

"Wa - why hyungie and - and oppa hates Joonie?" he mumbled sadly. And soon the tiredness took over his body and he fell asleep on the cold floor.

The door creaked when someone opens the door from the outside. His eyes roaming around the room and frowning in confusion when he saw the bed is empty. His eyes trailed over again to the other corner of the room before he took a sharp breath when he saw Namjoon is sleeping on the floor.

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