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“Dada? Cwying?”

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“Dada? Cwying?”

Jimin perked up at the name, looking at Namjoon who had been staring at him with his round glassy eyes. Jimin's mouth gaped at the sight before he puts both of his hand on the cheek and squeals happily. Forgetting how he had been crying just now.

“Me? Dada? Really Joonie? Omo!!! I’m Joonie's dada! I’m going to die!!!” He said dramatically before he shot up from the chair and bolted towards Namjoon – hugging the said male, almost crushing the poor little.

Namjoon pouted at the action, scrunching his nose as Jimin been hugging him too tight that he feels his body been squished and he can hardly breathe.

“Dada, no! Joonie…Joonie can’t bwih! Lemme go, pwease!!”

Jimin let out a boisterous laughed, feeling his heart almost exploded with Namjoon cuteness. As he let go his arms, Jimin moved to palm Namjoon's face – squishing the chubby face of the leader. Up and down, round and round like he was dough-ing the flour.

“Dada!!” Namjoon scolds Jimin for his playful demeanor as his lips nozzle at the action.

Jimin giggles. “Aigoo! My baby is so cute that dada can’t hold himself from squishing youuuuu…” said Jimin teasingly and let go of his hand. He grinned when he saw how red Namjoon's cheek was and the said male now puffing in irritation as he crossed his arm to his waist adorably.

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