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This chapter is a pure fluff 🙊

Taehyung: “Well, can I ask him to call me oppa then?”

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Taehyung: “Well, can I ask him to call me oppa then?”

Namjoon eyes widen when he saw his favorite chicken nugget in front of him. He woke up still in his little space as Jungkook brings him to the dining table. After helping the little to sit properly, Jungkook took the seat beside Yoongi.

Namjoon squirmed on his chair, a little bit too excited to start eating dinner. Meanwhile, his other members were swooning over his cuteness. Namjoon was about to take one of the nugget before Seokjin smacked his hand – not too soft but not too harsh either.

Namjoon pouted, looking at Seokjin a little bit angry. “Why appa? Joo-Joonie hungwy!” he whined.

Seokjin moves his pointing finger left and right while he clicked his tongue. “No, baby. No nugget until you finish your rice…” he says firmly.

Namjoon gnawed his lips – obviously sulking. He shifted his gaze over his bowl full of rice, making a face of dislike. “No-no…no wice…Joonie no wike wice, appa…” he pleads with his doe eyes, jiggling his head wildly.

Seokjin peered his eyes towards the little. Frowning at his refusal to eat the rice. He always knows how Namjoon really loves food. He ate a lot and have no concern over his diet. He basically eats everything except seafood. He never says no to food and gobbled everything as much as he can. He always fascinated by how much Namjoon can stuff the food into his flat stomach.

Ignoring the little, Seokjin pushed the rice bowl closer to Namjoon, making him let out a long whine. “Eat this then you can get the nugget, Joonie. Okay?” coaxed Seokjin again.

Namjoon puffed his cheek, shaking his head while his eyes prick with tears. “No! Joonie wan nugget!” he protested.

Seokjin averted his eyes towards the other members that were watching the whole drama – asking for help to persuade the little to eat his rice. Seokjin rolled his eyes when everyone nozzle out their lips towards Yoongi.

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