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Jungkook's shoulder slumps as Namjoon left his room crying his heart out loud. He can hear the loud thud of the door been slammed shut by the elder.

“Shit!” He cursed to himself.

Jungkook breathe hitched when he saw Ryan plushy belong to Namjoon, lying down on the floor. He frowned as he can’t remember when did the plush toy had been there. Maybe when he had scolded his hyung before that the plush fell down to the floor, unconsciously.

“What have you done Jungkook?” whispers Jungkook, regret evidently shows in his voice. He picks up the plush toy and flumps on his bed, staring at the Ryan with glassy eyes.

“Maybe…maybe I shouldn’t do that to hyung…but – but he is acting really weird, and – and it makes sense if I can’t accept this in a spur of a moment, right? Right?”

Jungkook released a heavy sighed, let out a small chuckle that sounded a little bit odd – pitying himself further for talking to the toy like a mad man. He had been reasoning to himself of his action, justifying his demeanor against Namjoon and trying to wash away the guilt for treating Namjoon as he did. But nothing seems working out. The guilts keeps on increasing in the pit of his stomach.

“I – I have a good reason to be mad, right?”

Jungkook didn’t know that he had been in trance for a quite some time, didn’t even realized that someone had unlocked the front door. He was brooding while holding Ryan in his hand, still thinking about his confrontation with Namjoon.

“Joonie – darling!!! We're home!!”

Jungkook was taken aback at the loud brisk voice, recognize it immediately that it belongs to Jimin. Jungkook rolled his eyes thinking that Jimin was too enthusiast to be Namjoon's dada. What’s so great about that? Jungkook silently groaned in irritation.

“Joonie? Where are you??”

Jungkook gets out from his room when he heard the concerned voice from Jimin, standing at the doorframe while his eyes looking at Jimin – who just get out from Namjoon's room.

“Hey Jungkook, have you seen Joonie? He’s not in the room! I can't find him anywhere also. Isn’t he sleeping before we left?” asked Jimin, frowning with confusion. Eyes looking around trying to find Namjoon.

Jungkook puckers an eyebrow at the question, glancing over at Namjoon's room. “I thought he was in the room?” he said, unsure about it himself.

Jimin squinted his small eyes towards Jungkook and had an akimbo hand over his waist. “Jungkook… it’s your duty to look after Joonie right? And why are you saying that? What did you do to him?”

Jungkook flustered at the accusation, trying to avert Jimin's deadly glare. “Wh – what do you mean? I’m not doing anything to him… I just…you know playing games with my computer… he – he was sleeping…” lied Jungkook, stuttering in his speech.

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