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"...Joonie wove hyungie!"


Four pairs of eyes on Namjoon. Apparently shocked at the new name. Three pairs staring at him incredulously, standing in front of Namjoon. Meanwhile, another pair belonged to Jungkook, looking at Namjoon's back with aw shuck.

Hyungie? What was that?

"Joonie, daddy just ask..."

"No - no... daddy was mad! You...you shouting! Joonie no wike that, daddy..." said Namjoon as he ogled at his caregiver with a murderous stare. Hands still widely spread, didn't want his daddy to scold Jungkook further.

Yoongi sighed and averted his eyes to Seokjin. Giving a signal for him to coax the little. Apart from being the caregiver for Namjoon, Yoongi still didn't know how to handle Namjoon emotionally. Seokjin was more affectionate and took the role as the caregiver really well. Which makes Yoongi kind of jealous of it. He wants to be a good caregiver and he may need some more time for that.

Seokjin slowly approached the little, crouching in front of him. Seokjin pulled down both of Namjoon's hand that looks a little bit shaking for hanging too long. Namjoon pouted a little bit, tilted his head to see Jungkook.

"Joonie don't want hyungie cwy otay? Joonie will - will... hmm... pwo - pwotect hyungie! Otay? Otay? No scawed, Joonie here..." said Namjoon while he pats on his own chest, giving assurance to Jungkook.

Jungkook bats his eyelashes at the words, looking at Namjoon with a mixture of emotion. Those innocent eyes where he had said such words makes Jungkook's heart to swell with a little bit of pride.

"Joonie, daddy just asked Kookie about what he did to Joonie... you know that he had done something wrong to you, right?" intervene Seokjin but at the same time he feels happy that Namjoon didn't hold any grudge towards Jungkook. Well, of course, being in the little space, his mind works like an innocent child.

Namjoon turned his head to see Seokjin, still pouting. He crossed his arm to his waist. "But daddy - daddy shout at hyungie!" Namjoon protest, lips jutted in dissatisfaction.

Seokjin smile, ruffling the hair of the little. "Yes, maybe he shouted a little bit. But he didn't mean any harm, Joonie..."

"But hyungie cwy, appa! Hyungie was scawed... like Joonie. Joonie scawed too..."

Seokjin holds his breath when the little suddenly called him 'Appa'. He put his hand to his mouth, couldn't contain his excitement that Namjoon finally had given him the name as the caregiver.

It's a total lie if he didn't feel upset when Yoongi and Jimin got the special name - be called Daddy and Dada. In fact, he thought he will be Namjoon's first daddy or dada. But then Jungkook been called as 'hyungie' had doubled up his disappointment. He really wants to be Namjoon's caregiver when he was in the little space.

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