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“Up – up…daddy!”

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“Up – up…daddy!”

Yoongi was dumbfounded at the request, looking at Namjoon's innocent face as he makes a grabby hand asking the oldest rapper to pick him up. Yoongi incredulously bewildered as he keeps thinking how the hell he is going to pick the tall and lanky Namjoon. Isn’t that impossible?

But – but Yoongi wasn’t going to refuse Namjoon right? His inner conscience had been battling with his logic and rational thinking. However, right now in Yoongi's eyes, Namjoon looks so tiny and cute and adorable and squishy and – and Yoongi will be cursed if he ever let the little's down; right?

So what if he is going to break his spine into two? He still going to pick little Namjoon – right? Yoongi bats his eyelashes as he is still thinking the pro and cons of his further action.

“Daddy! Up – up daddy. Joonie…Joonie wan pee pee. Fast!” the little had been urging the elder to make a fast action before he pees himself. He doesn’t want to urinate in his pant. That will be grossed. Eww!

Yoongi took a deep breath as everyone was looking at him – didn’t know what the grumpy male will do at such a situation. As their heart beats erratically watching the crucial moment, everyone jaws dropped at one sentence uttered by Yoongi.

“Okay, let's daddy pick you up!” he finally said as he moved his hand forwards to pull Namjoon from the floor.

The little was too excited at the words, giggling as he took Yoongi hands and let the elder pull him with full force. Namjoon then quickly jumped over Yoongi, hugging the small and petite man like a koala – wrapping his long legs on Yoongi's waist and his hand on the neck.

Yoongi almost stumbles backward at the sudden weight, legs wobbling and he thought he’s going to break his spine into two – before he feels someone had helped him to stabilize his body from the back.

“Th – thanks…” he said while he grimaced in pain before he tilts his head to see the one who had held him. Hoseok.

Hoseok smiles at Yoongi. “Welcome. And you really do need a help hyung. Your face looks like that you're going to shit in your pant!”

“I never know you have a daddy kink, Yoongi!” tease Seokjin which makes everyone laughed at the jokes.

Yoongi groaned at the remarks but choose not to retaliates back when Namjoon whines that he almost peeing himself. Afraid that the male unable to hold himself any longer, Yoongi immediately scurried away to the nearest bathroom – followed by Seokjin and Hoseok.

They were in the small bathroom that can accommodate up to three people at one time – leaving Hoseok standing at the doorframe. Everyone staring at Namjoon who looks uncomfortable, playing with the hem of his sweater.

Now that he was standing in the middle of the bathroom, the three realizes Namjoon only wear his tight boxer up to the middle of his thigh. The three then suddenly can feel the heat on their face, flushed with red out of embarrassment, looking at how sexy their leader right now.

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