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Jungkook was appalled when Namjoon suddenly hugged him, making him to stumble a few steps backward. Despite the unexpected action, he managed to hold himself from falling and leaned on the wall.

“Wha – what happened hyung?” He asked. But Jungkook eyes widen when Namjoon sobs turn to a loud crying as he keeps nuzzle his face on Jungkook’s neck.

Without hesitation, his hand moved to rub up and down on Namjoon's back and his other hand cupped the back of his head tenderly.

“Hyungie! Joo – joonie scawed…” sobs Namjoon, voice muffled but still audible.

Jungkook frowned at the saying, wonder what had happened for the leader to feel scared. He remembered that this morning he had a meeting with Bang PD about the incident at the fan meeting.

Did Bang PD get mad at Namjoon? But it will be too ridiculous since everyone knows how much Bang PD adores Namjoon like his own son.

“Calm down hyung…just breathe and tell me what’s happen…” Jungkook tries to coax the leader. His voice sounded awkward since Namjoon was in the little space and Jungkook still couldn’t grasp on how to deal with little Namjoon. Unlikely Yoongi and Seokjin. But he tried.

Namjoon shook his head, refused to tell Jungkook. He tightens his grip on Jungkook's, buried his face further on the shoulder blade as he continues to cry. He just want the maknae to hold him, make him to feel safe and to assure him that everything will be fine.

“What’s happening here?”

Jungkook was taken aback at the foreign voice before he realized that it's Bang PD. Jungkook starts to feel nervous with the presence of the said male, afraid that he will notice the differences in Namjoon. He obviously can see how he is frowning when he saw how Namjoon had been hugging him.

“What happen to Namjoon?” Bang PD asks with curiosity.

Jungkook devours in nervousness. He looks straight into Bang PD's eyes and he is aware that Sukhoon was standing behind Bang PD, also waiting for him to explain about Namjoon. Shit!

“Ah – actually – actually Namjoon-hyung didn’t feel well. He – he feels dizzy and I’m just trying to hold him…” Jungkook lies, slightly stammering that he just couldn’t muster up the excuse efficiently.

Bang PD frowned and look at the two suspiciously. But then he remembered how Namjoon had told him before that he didn’t feel good since yesterday at the fan meeting.

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