Chapter 9: Shifter

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We have gone far ahead at the north. Nothing seems to be ahead. What lays there will need days to travel to. I saw Erwin up ahead, heading back.

"Go back. We are not prepared for a long ride. And we won't know what lies ahead.", he shouted at us.

I ordered the squad to head back. We turned the horses and the horses went travelling back.

I have a feeling that the Colossal is also a titan shifter... I don't know why but I just think it is.

I stayed silent about that thought in my head. I better keep it to myself for a while.

"Levi?", I heard Petra spoke from behind.

"Yes?", I replied.

"You okay?"

"Yeah... Why?"

"You're silent again."

"I'm fine. Really."

"If you say so."

I focused back up ahead as I see the walls.

But when will I say my idea and to whom?

A lot of thought once again flooded my mind. Most of them are about the Colossal.


We then reached the walls and went in. We went towards the headquarters. I hop off my horse and tied it up.

"Still don't know who the Colossal is...", I heard Eren mutter.

I looked at him and said, "Don't worry. We'll know soon."

He nodded slightly and walked in the headquarters.

After a while, I thought of who to talk to. I asked Oluo to call her...


I waited for a few moments and Hanji arrived in the headquarters.

"Why did you call me Levi?!", she asked excitedly.

"About the Colossal.", I said.

"Did you find out who it was?!", she replied.

"No. But I have a theory."

"Ohhh. Do tell."

"I suspect it as a shifter."

"Then who?"

"I suspect the new recruits."


"So? What do you think?"

"I find that interesting!!!"

She started smiling like a psycho.

Like usual...

"Try investigating the recruits.", I continued.

"Okie dokie."

She walked back outside, happily.

I sighed and sat down, sipping my tea. I thought of deep thoughts. More and more ideas keep coming.

Who could it be...


Me and my squad went and patrolled at the top of the walls. We saw the recruits on their horses, coming from outside the walls.

Probably one of them...

I sat at the edge of the wall, watching them get carried on top of it. There was Mikasa, Armin, Reiner, Bertholdt, Connie and Sasha.

I stayed silent...

Reiner and Bertholdt grabbed Eren and said something to him. I told the others to head back as I stood up.

After getting a few feet away from Eren and the two, I can hear their conversation.

"I am the armored titan and Bertholdt's the Colossal."

Wait what?!

I took a glance from behind me and the two of them seems to be forcing Eren to come with them.

Before I can make a move, Mikasa ran to Eren and slashed at the two of them, pushing Eren near me.

Bertholdt and Reiner shifted to their titan forms. The armored took Eren and the Colossal was on top of the wall.

A lot of steam appeared around us. My vision went white. It also went blurry and the heat around me rose.

I couldn't make out a single thing until the steam cleared out. The Colossal was right in front of us while the armored was at the fields. Eren was in his titan form.

Just like in the real world...

We focused at the Colossal as our target and let Eren deal with the other.

Not even a single attack can hit it. It's too strong. I gripped the blade handle tight.

So my theory was right...

After a few more tries and not eve a scratch was made. We started losing hope to defeat it. The armored titan below us was already being defeated. The Colossal suddenly moved and fell on top of the two titans below.

We couldn't see anything that's going on anymore. The only thing we know is that Eren was caught!

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