I am finally back from OBS. Yay.
I'm not actually that happy because I really enjoyed OBS. I'm in Group 15 which is called Kurt. In OBS, a group is called a watch and each watch has a named after some founders and important people. Kurt Hahn is the founder of Outward Bound.
So Kurt (I'm talking about my watch now) is a really wonderful watch (I sound like I'm talking about the portable clock but) and I really enjoyed my time with them for the past 5 days in Pulau Ubin.
Our instructor Ben is awesome and so relatable. He understands what we're going through and he makes jokes to liven up the atmosphere. He is very patient with us and hardly loses his temper. During his 21-day course to become an OBS instructor, he was in Kurt too!
We were his first watch of the year. Well, it's only the second week of 2019.
Kurt 7-11/01/19 is really bonded and we even made a group chat! We exchanged Instagram accounts. Well, I don't have Instagram so haha. Anyway, they exchanged Instagram accounts as many teens do. By making a group chat with everyone in it, it's literally exchanging phone numbers. We wanted to have Ben in the group chat but we forgot to ask for his number :(
In Day 1 and 2, Ben always told us, "We are as fast as the last man." We are one watch and we should always stick together and help each other. If one person is late, we would have to wait for him or her.
Ben is a very nice instructor who cares for everyone in the watch. We always gave him a timing that we never met but he was still patient with us and trusted us a lot. Yes, he got upset when we didn't meet the timing but he just talked a bit about it and didn't scold us like we were primary school kids. Just like he promised, he treated us like young adults.
We started with 14 people in Kurt: 6 boys and 8 girls. We were reduced to 13 people in Day 2 when one of the girls had been sent home for a pre-existing problem. Nevertheless, she was still a part of Kurt.
Now, I'm going to split everything into 6 parts:
1. Introduction
2. Day 1
3. Day 2
4. Day 3
5. Day 4
6. Day 5
This whole OBS journey is a long story to tell~~
Nothing in Particular
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