So... 25 October 2019 was the last day of school, my 3rd year in secondary school. It was a really wonderful year with a new class and new friends!
It was a little sad to see the Y4s go... and now we're the seniors of the school. Time flies. It seemed as if it was yesterday when I was a Y1 just entering my school. I can't believe I'm going to be one of the oldest in the school. It's scary, knowing that you have the lead. Well, it's not as if I have a leadership position anyway. But I did sign up to become part of the OT of an S-VIA (student-initiated VIA) so I guess that's some form of leadership.
Having been promoted the Y4, it means I have new topics to learn in school. It's scary that I have to face even harder things to study, but it's exciting that I'll be graduating in a year, just like the Y4s of 2019 did 5 days ago. It's kind of sad too, I guess. I've made many beautiful memories in this school and it would be really sad to leave.
I remember my primary school graduation. It was actually a really happy but sad event. We knew we're going to move on to secondary school and make new friends which was very exciting. However, we also know we're probably never going to see our primary school friends again. At least, not every day anymore. On the bright side, you won't see your primary school enemies ever again??
In 1 year and 3 months (about there), I'll be in junior college if nothing goes wrong. That is if I don't get a GPA lower than a 2.0 in Y4 or fail English. I surely don't want to retain. And I also want to see my friends in my brother school. JC is going to be a new chapter in my life and, besides, I'll still get to see my secondary school friends there cuz we're all in the integrated programme (IP) which means we'll be going to the same junior college as part of the 6-year programme, though things will also change cuz we'll make new friends (from our brother school and the kids from the O-level stream) and be sorted into different classes once again.
And after JC, it'll be NS for the boys (before they go to university) and probably university for the girls. It's really cool and frightening how fast life goes. One moment, you're a child wondering what you're going to be when you grow up and, the next, you're an adult who reminisces your young times and wishes to be a child once again because you have less worries then.
I can't believe I'm going to graduate in a year and that thought scares and excites me at the same time. I can't believe I'm old now. Well, I feel old, seeing exciting little Y1s and thinking how I used to be one of them 3 years ago...
Time waits for nobody.
Nothing in Particular
РазноеI noticed that a lot of Wattpad users are from America and Europe?? At least, most stories I read are based in America or Europe. I hardly see any Asians. This is me living on the other side of the world, or half of that, in a tiny country called Si...