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After the official part of the congratulations Off was sitting in the hallway waiting for the birthday boy to settle some organizational issues. He was physically exhausted from the long drive and the event itself, where it was necessary to smile, joke and let Nong do whatever he wanted.
Off smiled remembering the happy face of Gun.

'Papii, I'm sorry I'm late, I had to settle the issue with a lot of gifts. Of course the best gift is you, thanks Papii.'

'I'm glad you're happy, let's take you home.'

They went down to the parking and got into the car.
On the way, Gun was very active and talking a lot as always, sharing his impressions about the event, praising a staff members of the GMMTV and his friends.

When they reached the home, Gun invited Off into the house, to drink some water and rest, so as not to fall asleep when returning home. Despite the late hour, the older boy agreed, he felt very tired and even thought about ordering a taxi. Gun disappeared in the kitchen and a few seconds later came back with glasses of water. Off is comfortably seated on the couch, he knew that Gun's house was always open for him.

'Off I want to tell you something,' the face of the shorter guy was unusually serious, his eyes glittered, it seemed that he was going to cry.

'What happened? Are you crying?'

'No. Just a little worried,' Gun took a deep breath, 'I like you, not as a friend... I want you to know that I love you.'

'Am, Gun, thank you, but ...' Off hesitated, a lot of thoughts flashed through his mind: "Damn, Gun, why did you choose this particular day, when we just celebrated your birthday, or maybe you do it on purpose, knowing that I won't be able to hurt you."

'You know I like you as a younger brother, you're my cute, funny little Nong.' Off looked at the glass in his hands, he was afraid to look into the friend's eyes.

'I understand,' Gun's voice was a little shaky, 'I don't ask an immediate answer from you, maybe someday later ...'

'Gun, I like girls.' Off sadly looked at the younger guy, his eyes were wet with tears. Off quickly put the glass on the table and wanted to hug Gun.

'No,' Gun deviated from his beloved, 'everything is fine, you should go, I'm sorry. Our relationship will not change. I will continue to be your funny little Nong.'

'I'm so sorry, I love and appreciate you very much, but as a friend... I probably will go.'

Off went out of the house, got into the car and called a taxi, he was exhausted not only physically but also mentally.


On the next day, Gun was lying on the bed all morning, blaming himself for the confession. It will be inconvenient for both of them. 'How to communicate with him now? Off didn't like all that hugs and kisses before, and now, when he knowing my feelings..., why did I confessed? Off feels sorry for me or perhaps he feels disgust. Our relationship will never be as before.'

After dinner his phone rang, it was his friend New.

'Hi, Gun, I'm going to pick you up'

'I'm not going today'

'Why? What happened? We agreed to go to the cafe today. We will pick Tay up, Off will come himself,' New's voice was a little confused.

'Go without me,' Gun said softly.

'There is no sense without you, we have decided to celebrate your Birthday, only close friends. In this cafe there are such a tasty cookies and ..."

'I don't really feel good, I'd rather stay at home today,' Gun interrupted him.

'Yesterday you were so happy.'

'Everything is fine, I just a little tired, in a few days everything will be fine,' Gun calmed himself.

'Okey, get better, see you later, I will told Tay and Off.'

After half an hour, Gun got out of bed, went down to the kitchen for some juice and heard the doorbell. For a moment, he froze, wondering who can it be. This is not Off right? I don't want it to be him. He opened the door and saw happy New, with a box of cake that Gun loved.

'I'm sorry I came without an invitation, I decided to please you a little,' the taller guy smiled.

'Oh I'm glad to see you, come in.' The shorter guy rushed into the kitchen and took the plates.

When the cake was cut and two friends are comfortably settled on the couch, New asked, 'Seriously, what happened? Gun, I see your eyes are red. Why did you cry?'

'I really don't know if we can talk about it.'

'And who can? We can call Off or Tay ...'

'No,' Gun said with a scared expression on his face.

'Well then, tell me. Did something serious happen?... Oh, no don't cry.'

The tears rolled from Gun's eyes and he clung to the chest of his friend. New tightly hugged the small body, soothingly stroked his back.

'It was so stupid to tell him,' he spoke in a trembling voice, 'but I was very happy when he arrived yesterday despite the work and tiredness. I thought, maybe he did it not because we are friends or we need to follow the fanservice, but because he started having other feelings for me.'

'You confessed your feelings to Off?'

'Yes, and he said that he only sees me as a cheerful little brother,' the tears flowed from eyes without stop, and he hugged New harder.

'It hurts. And I promised that nothing will change between us, I will behave as before...'

'I understand you, to act like nothing happened is very painful, one-sided love hurts, especially if the one you love is your friend.'

'It seems you know what you are talking about. Do you love someone with one-sided love?' Gun raised his head and looked at New.

'Yes, I love,' he said quietly.

'Wow, and who is it? Maybe my pet?' Gun giggled.

'Ha! Sometimes he is your owner,' New laughed,' and yes, this is Tay.' The smile immediately disappeared from his lips.

Gun was shocked by the confession from his friend, he was just kidding, when he suggested that it was Tay. He thought it might be an actress from GMMTV, New had been dating a girl for a while, and it was a big surprise that the person whom he loves is Tay.

'Tay knows that?' the younger boy's tear-stained eyes were still wide open.

'No. I won't tell him about it, and you won't. My situation is 100 times worse than yours, I want to top him.' New smiled sadly.

'Oh, yes worse,' agreed Gun.

New squeezed the shorter guy in his arms and tried to calm his friend and himself.

'Everything will be fine, time is the best helper. Maybe soon you will find a person who will help you think less about Off, and your love will be mutual.'

'Thanks for the support ... and now we know each other's secrets,' said the younger guy and smiled a little.


Next chapter: New/Gun ⛵


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Traducida por BGTOST_76
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