Tomorrow night

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“I have to prepare for our first sex properly, I don't want him to get hurt. What do I know about sex between guys? I know nothing. So the Internet, please help me,” Off looked at his watch, “it’s only 23:00 in the night, I think my research will not take much time.”

He wrote in the internet search:

*sex between a straight guy and a guy*

Not that.

*how to have sex with a cute guy?*

Oii, not that

*sex between guy and a cute guy for the first time so that both can feel good?*

Oh, why am I showing off?

*sex between guys for the first time*

“Even so? ... hmm? .. Oho?! ... blah blah blah ... interesting …yep, everything is so simple!” he looked at his watch, “Damn five o'clock in the morning? I have to get up in an hour.”

Off was so obsessed with information that he didn't notice how the morning came.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

‘Papii? Why are you calling so early? You know it's only 5:40 in the morning?’

‘Sorry, I know, I just couldn’t sleep ... I'm calling with some offer.’

‘What happened?’ asked sleepy Gun.

‘I’ll send the instructions to your phone, please don’t be angry and don’t worry, if you don’t understand something or you’re not ready, please tell me about it. Bye.’

‘Okay …bye,’ Gun's eyes was almost closed, he went to bed late yesterday and wasn't ready to wake up so early on his day off.

His phone got a message from Papii. Thinking that this might be an offer to participate in the event, Gun almost without opening his eyes, opened the message.

Нow a passive guy should ….prepare for sex!?” when Gun read the last words, he instantly woke up. “Papiiiiiii !!!!!”

Even without reading the whole text, he turned red. Of course, he knew very well how to prepare himself and had already done it several times to be ready just in case. After all, a wave of desire can cover them at any time. At the end of the message was added:
“We'll stay for the night in my apartment tomorrow, please get ready.”

“Oiiiii, Papiiiiiii !!!!”
Of course Gun was nervous.
Will Off be disgusted by Gun's completely naked body? What if Off doesn't get hard, when he will see another guy's dick? Remembering the experience with New, Gun was also afraid that it would be painful.
But remembering the feeling of contact with hard Off's dick, the younger guy was calming himself.

“But Papii is not as big as New, if done correctly, it shouldn’t be painful. Off will stretch me or should I do it myself? Is our first sex really going to happen tomorrow?”

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

And tomorrow has come.
Gun constantly felt a desire, his dick was in a little excited state almost all day. He was nervous, but tried to behave as usual. Off all day couldn't wait for the evening, he was just as nervous as Gun, but as always he looked like a cool and confident older guy.

The guys have already taken a shower and was lying on the bed.

‘Have you prepared?’

‘Oh, Papii, you're embarrassing me ... yes,’ although Gun was worried, he was in anticipation of the upcoming moment. Even before they started, his body was already slightly shaking.

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