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The first time I met Sunday, well it was typical I guess, I still remember every little detail about it though. Then again it's hard not to remember ever little detail when you meet someone named Sunday....

It was around the tenth of October when I first laid eyes on her. I'd been out for a simple breakfast at the time. Two eggs just over easy, and a glass of orange juice was my exact order. I'd eaten and spent a good amount of time staring out the diner window, watching civilians pass by and mid autumn leaves float in the wind, falling from near by trees brightening things up with the vibrant hues. I decided it was time to pay out, having grown tired of watching leaves.

Getting up, I stood in line for a while behind a girl with light brown hair that fell down her back in light waves. Of course that's all I can see from behind, but then again it didn't quite matter. I'm late for work and really need to go. Trying to stay patient, I wait behind the girl who's furiously digging through her purse. I catch a glimpse of her panicked face and raise an eyebrow. I clear my throat and she looks up at me her eyes narrowed.

"What?", she hisses look at me momentarily before rifling through her purse again. I think for a moment before deciding to speak.

"I kinda of have places to be and you're holding up the line.", I say, feeling rather bad as it sounded incredibly rude. Then again I really did need to go. She stops in her tracks, dropping the tube of Chapstick she'd pulled out in her attempts to find cash(or at least that's what I assume).

"Well did you ever think maybe I have some where to go yet I'm broke and can't come up with another dollar.", she states and I look at her immediately feeling bad for saying anything. I quickly retrieve my wallet from my pocket fishing out a five dollar bill. I hold it out toward her and she raises an eyebrow.

"Here, I'm sorry I didn't realize...", I trail off not knowing how to finish the sentence. Her eyes flicker down toward the money obviously tempted to take it. The girls hand never leaves her side though.

"I don't even know your name. I can't take it.", she proclaims shaking her head vigorously. Sighing I hold my arm out further toward her.

"Seamus, and yes you can. I can live with out it."

"T-Thanks"she says finally accepting the money. The girl looks at it for a split second for paying. She then moves aside finally letting me pay for my small meal. I'm surprised when I turn to see the girl still standing there. Now I have a good view of her though. She brown hair falls in waves, eyes a light green color, a light pink dress that fell down in frilly ruffles ending above her knees.

"Can I help you?", I question and she nods.

"Go for a walk with me?", she asks. I look at the clock hanging above the cash register. The time displayed told me I was already late. Why not be a little later?

"I don't even know your name.", I stare in a teasing tone, meant to mock her. She let's out a light laugh and shakes her head.

"Sunday.", she says, looking at me with a sweet smile. I stand there for a minute rather confused. Was she serious? Did she mean the dessert or the day. I mean both were pretty silly but then again not her fault I guess...

"Like the dessert or the day?"

"Like the day. S-U-N-D-A-Y.", she says spelling it out for me. I chuckle and look at her still not believing her name was Sunday. Who names their child that? I guess I shouldn't be judgmental but Sunday. That was definitely different.

"I know what you're thinking and don't judge me for my name.", she shakes her head almost sounding slightly annoyed.

"I wasn't...."

"Then why were you muttering Sunday?", she asks a sly grin spread across her pale pink lips. Sighing I knew I'd been caught but it wasn't my fault, she was the one who was an odd name.

"How about that walk?", I ask and she nods.

"Let's go Sea Moose, see now you have a funny name too.", she says pushing the door to the dinner open and walking out. I follow her, close behind still not believing I was going for a walk with some girl named Sunday willingly especially when I don't quite know her. What's the worst than can happen anyway, I'm smart and she looks too sweet to try anything.

Those moments were set in time and would cause a whirl of events in my life that I'd never had with out her. Moments I'm glad that I can reminisce about. All thanks to a girl named Sunday I'd met by chance.



Short little thing for the prologue/first chapter. Basically how they met and let me say I'm really excited for this. Sorry it's a bit short (and the endings kinda poo) but hey it's something right? I'm gonna go and relax maybe start writing something else. Bye xx

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