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It's been one year since she left, one whole year.

I haven't forgotten and doubt I will. Thoughts of Sunday still cloud my mind leaving me longing for her to come back. The again I know she won't, she gone for good. The neighbors all said she moved away, and they've stuck to that story. I'd given up on looking for her, as it was pointless.

Every night she dances through my dreams and it's driving me crazy. The thoughts of how we'd been together for almost a year. How she could have been the one I married. It wasn't true though, I couldn't marry her, she's gone.

That didn't stop the dreams though. Somehow she still appears in my dreams every night.

I often take days off from work just remembering her. Usually it's rainy days where all I can do is sit outside in the rain. All I can do is reminisce in memories of her, which is both painful and enjoyable for me.

I don't quite how it's enjoyable for me but it is, I enjoy just remembering her. All the good times in the fall and spring, all the painful things in the summer and winter. Even though she's caused unbearable amounts of pain I still seem to love her or at least am happy to remember the good parts of knowing her.

I'm soaked and almost tired of remembering Sunday for the day. I look up at the sky one more time and sigh.

Well I guess I'll go home now...


It was stupid, what I did to Seamus. Never did he do anything to me that would result in me having to run. It was all my fault. I'd hurt him in a way he'd never forgive me for and so I ran. He couldn't ever like me after that and that was all I wanted so I ran far away.

I'd done something terrible to him, but maybe he expected that from me. Either way there was no way I was ever going back, then again I never could anyway. It was far too late for that.

So now I sit in the rain, letting it wash thoughts of him wash away. I couldn't have him back not now, not ever. I was in a place now where he couldn't find me even if he tried, and I couldn't ever go back to him if I wanted, it was too late.

All I could do now is remember Seamus, and wonder if he ever thought about me.

A/N omfg it's done, are you guys proud. I'll go through and edit it later but for now it's done, and you're all gonna hate me but oh well (especially if you figure out where Sunday went but Shh).

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2014 ⏰

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