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Winter comes and goes with nothing but Sundays continuous complains about the cold and little kisses that seem to wash any negativity away. It's just an endless loop of days filled with cuddling, I love you's and lukewarm hot chocolate. Then when things grow bland, despite Sunday's quirkiness, spring comes along.

It's finally warm enough you can wear short sleeve shirts and not freeze, but feel moderately warm. Flowers are beginning to bloom and the Sunday I once new seems to be reborn, or at least out of her winter hibernation. Somehow though we made it through the harsh winter and I did in fact make it work. Sunday was restored and things were normal again.

Today though she insisted on going to pick flowers. The whole ride out to the place where she wanted to pick them from was filled with her giving directions and chittering on about how this was her second favorite season, right behind autumn. I listen to her go on about how she loved the flowers and nice weather, and how amazing the in-between seasons are. Never though have I met some one as fascinated with seasons.

"Why is spring your second favorite?", I ask glancing over at her then continuing to focus on the road. Sunday simply straightens the hem of her floral print dress and then smiles.

"Usually I say because oh the flowers or oh the nice weather but in all honesty I like the feeling of the sun barely shining but being able to feel the warmth with out feeling like you're dying of heat stroke as in summer. Same with autumn."

"Good reasons.", I comment. She smiles as we get out of the car, then I follow her to see bunches of windflowers lining the ditches. Sunday's lipgloss covered lips pull up into a smile as she walks toward them. Quickly she produces a small pocket knife out of her pocket on her light cardigan then sets to work clipping the stems.

"Hold these please.", she asks, holding out the flowers. I nod and hold them, waiting as she adds more the ones I'm already holding.

Soon I have a huge hand full of the brightly colored flowers and Sunday is humming satisfied with the amount collected. She takes them from me and I quickly run over, grabbing one and breaking the stem off. Sunday gives me an odd look but I simply slide it behind her ear smiling.

"Cutie.", I state kissing her nose then getting in the car. Sunday smiles getting in, still beaming. I chuckle as I drive back, glancing over occasionally to see her inspecting the flowers.

After we park at her house, we share a short kiss and she looks at me, eyes pleading for me not to go. All I can do is hug her reassuring her Id be back in no time.

"Seamus?", she asks softly, he eyes focused on the flowers.


"I'm sorry.", she says, looking at me her eyes slightly teary.

"For what?", I ask reaching over and grazing my thumb across her cheek, wiping away at a stray tear.

"Acting cruel, I just don't care during the winter...and I really should."

"It's fine, it's spring now."

"True that.", she says smiling even though it looked like she was about to bawl her eyes out. I look at my fuel gauge and see it's still over half a tank then at Sunday.

"I think we should go for a drive.", I state putting the car in reverse. An excited look appears on her features as she nods quickly.


"Yes, I need some time with my Sunday."

A/N These are awful and I'm sorry. I had a bad day /)-(\

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