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"Hey no, share!", Sunday squeals as she leans over trying to take a bite of the candy bar I was currently eating. I hold it further away trying to protect the precious chocolate. Finally Sunday climbs over me, snapping off a piece and popping it in her mouth. I watch as she smiles obviously satisfied with herself.

"That's mine!"

"No it's ours!"

"Just because you like me doesn't mean I have to share!", I tease. Sunday looks at me and frowns then rolls her eyes. I sigh and take a bite of my candy bar then handing the rest to her.

"I was kidding.",I say hugging her. She grins and eats the rest of the candy bar before hugging back, her arms loosely slung around my neck.

"I know I just wanted your candy bar.", she says sounding pleased with herself. I roll my eyes snorting, moving away from her. She frowns and shakes her head, leaning back against the wall. I look around the office then back at the wall behind us that depicted each of the guys that work there in cartoon form. Our backs rest against the wall booth of our legs resting in the center of the hallway.

"What are you two doing?", James asks as he makes his way past raising his legs unnaturally high to step over our legs as if they were giant obstacles in his way. I chuckle at how uncoordinated he looked while doing so causing him to look at me oddly.

"Sitting.", Sunday shrugs.

"Well no fucking duh, thanks captain obvious.", James jokes and Sunday narrows her eyes.

"It's Sunday, thank you very much.", she says leaning her head against my shoulder while a yawn escapes her lips.

"Eh close enough and you didn't answer my question.", James points out.

"We're relaxing. Got a problem?"

"Yes you're blocking the hallway."

"Go file a complaint with the office of I don't give a fuck.", I state. James just chuckles and shakes his head. He waves his hand dismissively before heading on down the hallway. I look at Sunday who was still resting her head on my shoulder, eyelids drooping shut. I chuckle and press my back further against the wall closing my eyes.

Suddenly thoughts of wrapping my arm around Sunday appear in my head. I open one eye looking at her trying to determine whether it was a good idea or not. Finally I decide to go for it and sling my arm around her shoulders pulling her in close.

Sundays eyes fly open then she relaxes realizing it's just me. She smiles and closes her eyes again humming a random song quietly as we sit there. Silence clings in the air only broken by Sundays soft humming.

"Sunday.", I whisper softly, all the courage I'd built up helping me even open my mouth to speak. Her eyes flutter open and she looks up at me waiting for a question.


"I like you.", I sigh. Sunday sits there for a moment not moving then looks as if she's pondering how to respond. I gulp nervously not knowing how she'd react to the sudden statement.

"I like you too.", she finally says, a brief nod following.

"You do know I mean like like."

"What is this preschool?", she mutters a soft chuckle following.

"Yes.", I say rolling my eyes afterword.

"Well I like like you too.", she says leaning in closer to me. I smile and holder her close as she looks at me with longing green eyes. I look back at her perplexed at why exactly she was looking at me that way.

"Are you going to kiss me or what?", she asks finally, batting her eyelashes in a way that made my heart flutter. I think it over for a second then make my decision. I lean in close staying back for a moment.

And then I kissed her.


A/N I forgot to publish this yesterday >.< I apologize my fault, but I'll update Borrowed Time later today and hopefully another little memory in here to make up for it. xx

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