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The next time I saw Sunday it'd been well over a week. Claiming she'd been busy until now, we met up at a small park just down the street from where we'd met. I sat there, my hands in the pockets of the same purple hoodie I'd worn last time. The smell of caramel floats through the air, where from was undetermined though. Probably someone that was overly excited for Autumn, or a candle that'd been lit nearby.

"Hey Sea Moose.", Sundays cheery voice calls out from behind me. I glance over my shoulder to see her leaning against the bench, her fingers tapping the hollow metal of the bench.

"Hey Sunday.", I say as she walks around the side of the bench. Today she was wearing a maroon skirt, a white and black striped top with a pair of cat tights, and a huge white scarf. Her wavy hair falls down her shoulders as she grins at me.

"Stop checking me out.", she says reach her hands out. I raise an eyebrow and she nods toward my hands. I hold them out and she takes them in her own. Struggling slightly she manages to pull me up with some help.

"Why are you pulling me up?", I ask looking at her curiously.

"We're going on a walk."

"Where too?", I ask as she tugs on my hand signaling to walk. I follow her as she grins leading the way.

"My house."

"Moving fast aren't we?", I ask chuckling and she let's out a breathy laugh. She turns to face me, shrugging her shoulders.

"No, just friends dummy. Just going to relax.", she states continuing to lead the way there. I just follow her quietly not really caring where we were going just wanting to ask a few questions that'd left me thinking after last time.


We reach Sundays house which wasn't the slightest bit extravagant. Try more like an apartment in a borderline run down place up several flights of stair to trek. The worse part was the trek as the elevator was down for "repairs" so instead I was stuck doing the walk, Sunday pulling me along with a grin. We get to Sunday's floor and I'm surprised when it somewhat nicer. We walk into the small apartment and I'm even more surprise to find out how nice her apartment is.

Pictures cover parts of the walls in spots all of them related to natural or different quotes. Several lit candles are placed on couch side tables throughout the house. I smile at how warm and cozy her apartment felt even though from the outside it looked well gross.

"Nice Huh?", she asks as continues to pull me through the house. I nod as we walk into a small room where she flops down onto a rather massive bed covered in a maroon comforter. I raise an eyebrow leaning against the door frame.

"Don't be weird it's just nice in here. Actually it's warmer then the rest of the house.", she chuckles. I nod and sit down in a chair off to the corner, which was a orange that reminded me of pumpkins. There's indeed a huge change in the heat to the point where I have to push my hoodie sleeves up.

"Hey Sunday can I ask you some questions?", I ask softly and she nods.

"Go for it.", she says as she moves around on the bed. I nod and bite my lip thinking of the different way to word this then give up just asking.

"Whys your name Sunday and why do you want people to like you so much?". I ask looking around the room avoiding eye contact fearing she'd be mad.

"Hold off on the first one but as for the second question....well. They say it's because I'm love deprived so I feel the need for everyone to like me but really it's not. I'm deprived I just want people to like me, to be noticed, to be someone."

"Who's they?"

"Therapists I've hired then fired as they all say the same thing. That I'm deprived."


"Yeah but so far what do you think?"

"I still just think you're overly friendly and don't realize it."

"Hmm I still think you're sarcastic and are too quiet."

"I'm telling you I'm not always quiet you just have to get to know me."

"I know, what do you think we're doing here.", she chuckles. I shrug but before I can reply, Sundays already asking me questions in an attempt to know me better. It was odd being questioned but when she finished and before we go to causal conversation Sunday promises me that I can ask her more questions sometime which is something that I'd looked forward too.


A/N Hey so yeah memories. Check the last chapter for any sort of authors note. I'm going to bed after I finish this video of Aleks, good night.

(Also one more vote until 7k so vote please....love me.....)

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