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The idea of dancing was one that I wasn't found of. I had what they referred to as two left feet and even if I didn't dancing still wouldn't be enjoyable. Spinning in slowly in circles wasn't something I found myself longing to do. I found the concept boring and unentertaining.

Sunday on the other hand loved dancing. She loved the feeling of being in someone's arms spinning to a sweet song, nothing mattering but her and the other person. It was something she found fun and exciting or at least that's what she claimed. I didn't bother to tell her my disinterest in it, but just silently listened to her as droned on and on about the different types and all the different dances you could preform.

Then she looked at me, green eyes bright and alive as if she had just had a sudden rush if adrenaline. When she saw my bored expression that look left and a frown tugged at the corners of her bright pink lips. After falling silent and pushing her hair back out of her face for what seemed like the millionth time she finally spoke.

"You don't like dancing do you?", she inquires quietly as if ashamed for boring me. I sit up a tad straighter, and look at the now disappointed girl.

"Not really.", I admit. Sunday looks ashamed and buries her face in her hands in attempt to cover her face from view. It doesn't work well as in a moment she's peeking through her fingers trying to see if I was upset.

"I'm sorry.", she whispers.

"Don't be it's fine."

"I didn't mean to bore you..", she says. I let out a soft sigh and gently peels her hands away from her face. A look of shame rests on her features causing me to let out another sigh.

"It's fine."

"Why don't you like it?", she asks curiously.

"Because I have two left feet and suck at it.", I chuckle. Sunday shakes her head a gentle smile resting on her lips. I watch as she gets up then holds two slightly tanned hands out to me. I cock an eyebrow questioning what she was doing.

"Maybe you've just never had the right partner.", she says softly.


"So try with me."

"I don't know..."

"Please Seamus."

"Fine but if I suck then I warned you.", I state holding my arms out. She intertwines her fingers with mine, giving a firm tug to pull me onto my feet. I trip as she pulls and almost knock both of us over, but manage to keep my balance. Sunday giggles and shakes her head.

"Klutz.", she says, her arms falling around my neck.

"I can't help it, and I told you I was the best.", I say sarcastically. Sunday let's out a soft laugh and I rest my hands on her waist looking for confirmation. She nods and slowly starts turning to my left. I do the same and we start spinning in slow circles. After a few minute Sundays soft singing accompanies our slow spinning.

"I told you so.", she says stopping her singing.

"Told me what?"

"You just didn't have the right partner."

"Oh hush.", I chuckle shaking my head while she grins. Sunday continues her teasing until I finally give in and admit I could dance somewhat okay. Sunday grins in satisfaction then proceeds to lift one of my arms above my head spinning me in a circle.

"That's my job.",I state and she shakes her head.

"Not today Sea moose not today."

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