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"PALADIN'S WE'RE UNDER ATTACK" Allura's voice sounded. Everyone bolted up, running towards the front "wait....ugh we've been through so many tests. Can't we sleep for like...an extra hour. And why is it so cold?" Keith complained "we had to put the castle onto power saving mode. Do not worry, we've got extra thermal blankets. However people will have to team up with each other when sleeping to conserve body heat" she said "Pidge and Hunk will share a bed" Hunk murmured softly, agreeing and not minding. Him and Pidge we're best friends. "Shiro. You can stay in my room with me. And Keith. You'll be sharing with Lance" Keith's jaw dropped "Are you serious!?" He yelled "I'm afraid so" she said "rock paper scissors. There's no way I'm staying in Keith's trashy room" Lance growled. He was lying. He had no problem with staying in Keith's room "Hey!" Keith looked offended and crossed his arms. They played rock paper scissors. Keith had scissors and Lance had paper "DA-" he stopped when he saw space dad. Aka Shiro "Dang it" he said "whatever" Keith rolled his eyes, yawning "you may go back to bed. It's only been an hour since you last fell asleep" Alurra smiled "Glady" Lance wrapped the blanket around himself and walked, following Keith to his room. Keith opened the door and climbed into bed. Lance did the same, however he kept his distance, shaking because of the cold "come here" Keith said, moving and opening his arms some "ew. God no" Lance said through chattering teeth "either come here or freeze to death" Keith muttered "fine" Lance moved close and Keith wrapped his arms tightly Lance *oh my god he's like a human heater* Lance thought, no longer shaking, pulling the blanket over them both "good night. Don't bother me" Keith said sleepily "don't bother me" Lance retorted, beginning to slowly fall asleep. He heard soft steady breathing and looked up at a sleeping Keith *he's so pretty.......UH P-PRETTY MANLY YEA MAN-...ish* he thought, shaking his head and resting it against Keith's chest and listening to his heartbeat before slowly falling asleep.

Keith was the first to awake. Lance was curled up some, purring in his sleep *okay...that's cute* Keith thought, smiling some. Lance began stirring and turned over. Keith pulled him close, his arm around his his stomach "get off" Lance said groggily. He slipped out of bed and squeaked, jumping back into Keith's arm "Dumbass" he growled, laughing *oh God his growl* Lance thought, snuggling close to Keith. Lance knew he was Bisexual. He'd known for a long time. But he tried to deny it as much as possible. He forced himself every day to tell himself he didn't have feelings for Keith. This was just making him him crazy inside. He closed his eyes some "it's so warm and cozy" he whispered softly, smiling "here" Keith grabbed a long sleeved shirt and let Lance borrow it "thank you" Lance said. He lifted his shirt and removed it. Keith stared, blushing harshly "J-Jesus Christ do that in the bathroom" he growled "sorry" he slipped Keith's shirt on and thanked him, although he was still cold. Keith handed Lance his jacket and Lance thanked him with a smile and slipped it on "yea whatever" Keith stood and walked into the bathroom, closing the door. Lance sniffed his jacket and shirt, blushing and nuzzling into it *god. It smells just as sweet as him* he thought, smiling and zipped it up, smiling more *okay....maybe I truly like him* Lance thought *NO I MAY BE Bi BUT I DON'T LIKE KEITH!* He thought, no longer nuzzling the jacket *but...he's so handsome...and warm....NO* he tried fighting his feelings. He heard the toilet flushed and left Keith's room. He walked into the kitchen and began eating some goo "Is...Is that Keith's jacket?" Shiro asked "I got cold so he gave me it temporarily" he explained "mmhhhmmm" Shiro smirked and shook his head "we've received a distress signal" Coran came in "To your Lions!" Alurra called. They all went to the Lions in their armor. Keith had his jacket and Lance had his coat. As they were flying they got an alert "Paladins the Galra are on your trail!" Alurra's voice came. Keith turned around, shooting a few small ships. He failed to noticed Lance next to him, fighting as well. They backed up in their Lions. The huge Galra ship opened a wormhole and forced Keith and Lance into it "KEITH WHAT'S GOING ON!?" Lance screamed "I DON'T KNOW. J-JUST HOLD ON OKAY!?"
"A-ALRIGHT" they entered the exit of the wormhole. Their Lions shut down "KEITH MY LIONS DOWN" He yelled "MINE.........HELP" Lance's voice was breaking up "I........ANIMALS........LOVE.........ME" Lance only got bits and pieces from Keith before crashing. He fell into a ravine. Lance was knocked unconscious.

Keith was crashing in a huge hole. Like a dried up river. He was barely awake. He managed to climb out of Red "Don't worry Red. Just stay and rest" he murmured "Lance ....Lance can you hear me!?" He asked. He heard nothing but static "Lance....please answer me" he begged softly, feeling his heart speed up *he's JUST a teammate. Why am I THIS worried* he thought "Keith..." He heard a soft whisper "LANCE!? ARE YOU OKAY!?", He asked "I....my head hurts .....I'm laying by Blue....I fell in a ravine...i-I think my leg is broken" he breathed "I'm coming for you" he promised "thank you Keith" he said, breathing hard "just ... What do you want to talk about?" He asked, wanting Lance's mind off the pain "well...how to do you think the others are doing?" Lance asked "I think their doing great" Keith said "what about you? Are you hurt?" Lance asked, concern thick in his voice "just a few scratches and cuts. Reds sleeping" Keith explained "that's good...I think i see the ravine" He Murmured softly. He peaked down "LANCE!! A-ARE YOU OKAY!? I-I'M COMING" He saw Lance was hurt. The planet began getting colder as the planets "I-It's freezing" Lance called weakly, some blood surrounding his leg. Keith began sloppily climbing down, lucky to get down unarmed. "This plant....I think it's dead....maybe" Lance said "bite my shoulder" Keith said "w-what!? Why?" Lance blushed softly "do it" he growled "yes sir" Lance but his shoulder gently. Keith moved his leg. Lance screamed into Keith's shoulder, biting hard and drawing blood. He bandaged his leg and picked him up bridal style. Lance whimpered in pain and let go "I'm sorry" he whispered, seeing blood on Keith's shoulder "I'll live" he whispered, hugging him tightly and climbing up, carefully. Lance clinged to him, feeling like a burden. When they reached the surface Keith shivered and so did Lance. Keith managed the get some wood. It sudden became dark out. Freezing. The small fire was barely helping. Keith sat behind Lance, holding him gently. He softly removed his jacket and placed it around Lance and softly sliding his hand down to Lance's hands, softly pulling them around his self to help keep Lance warm "won't you get cold?" Lance was blushing, a light pink color spread across his cheeks. Keith admired what of his face was lit by the fire "I'm warm enough" he softly slipped his hand onto Lance's cheek and moved his face a little closer "that's.... good" Lance's eyes slowly fluttered shut. Keith's eyes were barley opened and he traced his thumb over his soft lips and leaned in more. Their lips softly brushed, barely touching before a huge light interrupted them. The pulled away from each other quickly and Keith stood. It was the castle! "KEITH, LANCE!" Pidge, Hunk, Shiro, and Alurra ran forward, hugging them. Keith smiled and hugged them "Blue and Red crashed. Their powered off and Lance's leg is broken" he explained "come on. Pidge, Shiro, Hunk, lift and drag Red and Blue back. Lance needs the healing pod" Allura called for Coran to land. When he landed, Keith softly picked up Lance, carrying him to the healing pod. He allowed Lance to keep his jacket  in the healing pod while he took Lance's actual jacket to wash it. His mind began running *WE ALMOST KISSES*

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