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A/N : so I've never gotten this far in a book. However this may be the shortest chapter as it will be the last. I really do hope you enjoy this last chapter :)

Keith was talking with Pidge quietly. Lance walked in and Keith silently walked out. Lance frowned softly "what's wrong Lance?" She asked, sitting on the counter. He sighed "I...Keith's been acting strange the past week...he barely looks or talks to me any more ..." He looked down "don't worry I'm sure everything's Fine!" Pidge smiled. Lance sat next to her "but I don't understand. Did .... Did I make him mad?" Lance asked softly, looking down at his hands as he fiddled his thumbs "ya know. He once told me how much he loved you. Not that long ago either. Just yesterday" Lance's eyes lit up "he did?" He smiled some and Pidge nodded "cookie?" She handed him a cookie.
Keith was in the bedroom, on his phone. Lance entered and sat down "Keeeeeeeeeiiiiith?" He smiled and climbed on top. Keith looked at Lance "yes?" He smiled "do you wanna come to the pool with me and Pidge and Matt?" He asked, giving puppy dog eyes. Keith sighed "I wish I could. But I'm busy okay?" He kissed Lance's head. Lance sighed softly "okay" he kissed Keith's cheek and got up, walking into their closet to grab his swim trunks. He softly sighed quietly and looked down at his hands *maybe I did make him angry or something... but what did i do?* He thought back to everything he did the day before Keith started acting this way *I-I didn't do anything.....why's he mad?* He shook his head and got dressed "be careful" Keith warned "I will" he promised, smiling then leaving. He slouched softly as he walked downstairs "where's Keith?" Matt asked. He seemed to notice Lance being sad "he's busy...like he's been the past week. Let's go. If he decides to join he knows where we are" he smiled some and walked out. Matt gave Pidge a look and shook his head.

After the pool Lance was walking inside with Matt and Pidge, who were smiling like crazy. When he entered there were petals on the ground. the lights were dimmed. Lance looked at Matt and Pidge. They both whistled and walked away. He began following the petals to their room. When he opened the door he saw Keith, just standing there. He looked scared yet excited "Keith? w-what's going on?" he asked "come here" He smiled. Lance hesitantly walked over and looked at him "I know I've been distant lately...but I have an amazing reason" He smiled more "Keith... what's going on?" he asked, slightly scared something might happen. Keith suddenly kneeled as Lance stared as he pulled out a box "I've thought about this over and over.....Lance.....Will you marry me?"

Pidge heard loud laughs and cries. She opened the door. Lance was hugging Keith tightly, crying softly with happiness. Keith had his face buried in Lance's shoulder. She smiled and closed the door silently.

Keith rubbed Lance's back softly and rubbed his head, Lance wiped his eyes. Keith smiled.

-----------------------------------------------------Five Years-------------------------------------------------
"PLLLLLLEEEEEEAAAAASSSEE CAN I HAVE ANOTHER COOKIE, DAD!?" Keith frowned, trying not to give into the puppy eyes "Uh fine. here Jr." Keith handed the child another cookie. "Thank you" The child ran off to their room "come on man. you've gotta stop giving into his puppy eyes" Lance leaned against the counter "what!? their cute" He puffed out his cheeks "so are you" Lance chuckled "Oh, happy birthday" Lance smiled and pulled out a box, handing it to Keith. Keith kissed Lance's head. Keith smiled and opened the box. He saw a black diamond necklace with a small vile attached "what is this?'' he asked "quintessence" Lance smiled "B-But how" Keith stared at it "Allura and the others" He smiled "come here" Keith handed it to Lance. Lance out it on Keith and wrapped his arms around him, kissing his cheek. Keith smiled "I'm glad I chose you" he whispered, softly kissing Lance. Lance smiled "I'm glad you purposed"


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