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It was five months since Keith heard Lance say all those hurtful things. Lance had finished a joke, everyone busting out laughing. Except Keith. He laughed some. He'd been colder ever since the day he'd been shot in the shoulder. He didn't know why and it really hurt him. Keith would no longer cuddle him whenever he couldn't sleep. He just told him to get over it and close his eyes. Keith no longer looked at him with those once soft and loving, beautiful purple eyes. Instead they were hard, cold, and spiteful eyes. His tone changed as well. His once sweet, loving voice was now harsh all the time. Once about two weeks ago Lance was crying in his room, missing his mother and Keith told him to shut up


Lance's soft sniffles and sobs came from his room. His door was cracked. He stared down at the picture of his family when he heard his door open "listen here whiney bitch, can you shut up!?" He growled "....s-sorry ...." He stood and closed his door.

Keith heard his sobs of hurt. His eyes softened and he let out a sigh. He wanted to run in and say sorry, hugging him *it's no use. He doesn't love you. Why should you love him!?* He thought, turning and storming off into his room


Lance sighed "hey. I'm exhausted. I'm gonna go to bed early" he stood "Night guys!" He smiled and waved, entering his room. The second he entered his smile fell and his eyes tears *does he...hate me? What did I do wrong? I miss his lovey-dovey side so much. I want him to hold me again!!* He thought sadly, sitting on the bed.

Everyone glared at Keith "what?" Keith growled "what the hell is up dude?" Shiro said. He never usually cussed "You've been treating Lance like SHIT for five months straight!" He stood. Hunk and Pidge stayed silent "and? He's my rival. Not a friend!" Keith yelled at Shiro "still. You used to have googly eyes for him Keith. Its horrible the way you've been acting!" Hunk pitched in "yea! He's been waking me up so much at night it's ridiculous! He's sad and can't sleep! He said you were rude to him! Telling him to 'go away' and that he'll get over it" Pidge hissed "H-hes been coming to you at night?" His voice was softer. His eyes slowly grew softer and tears began filling him at pidge's response "YES HE HAS. GET IT TOGETHER!" She yelled! He stood and stormed off into his room. His shoulders shook as he failed on holding back in keeping the tears in. Everyone looked at each other. Keith sobbed into his pillow. He slipped in his gear and exited, helmet on, his head down. Shiro could see he was crying. So could Pidge and Hunk "...d-did.....we...make him cry.....?" Pidge felt a little guilty "serves him right. Lance got hurt during training and Keith told him to get over it, calling him a crybaby" Hunk put in "I'll go speak to him" Shiro said suddenly, gaining strange glances from his fellow paladins. He walked off towards where Keith kept his lion Red. "Keith" he called. Keith was startled and fell off red. Shiro rushed over and helped Keith up "what's going on with you Paladin?" He demanded to know. He wasn't giving him a choice to go as he held his wrists tightly. His helmet was off and he had no way of hiding the forming tears "I love Lance...I heard what he said...that I'm disgusting....and he wouldn't hug me via choice" a few tears fell and Shiro stared at him in shock. He pulled Keith in a hug, letting Keith cry into his chest "I'm sorry Keith" he softly patted his back. Keith sobbed. He'd been holding everything back for so long telling someone and being able to cry to someone other then his pillow made him feel better. Pidge and Hunk watched Keith cry. They walked in and they all hugged Keith. He wrapped his arms around all of of them, crying. He smiled and wiped his eyes "whatcha crying for?" Pidge asked, her goofy smile "....reasons..." He murmured softly "you can tell us" Hunk said "we're all one big happy family!" Pidge said, adjusting her glasses. Reluctantly he opened his mouth. He began telling them everything he'd told Shiro. He looked down "I acted like they because...I was convinced he hated me" Keith said, staring at his feet "awh. He doesn't hate you" Hunk reassured him. Keith smiled and hugged them all tightly "ALL PALADIN'S WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" Allura came in "YES MA'AM" Keith climbed into his lion. They all took off at the same time "It's the entire ship...." Lance murmured softly "and? We can take em!" Keith yelled "I'm not sure. Last time....we almost lost Shiro" Pidge said, her having a point "you're right Pidge. We can't take risk of Zarkon taking control on Shiro and the Black Lion again!" Coran came through "RETREAT! WE'LL SPEED AS FAST AS POSSIBLE AWAY AND WE'LL CREATE A WORMHOLE" He shouted. They began flying back into the ship as they began firing "LANCE!" Keith yelled "HE'S BEEN HIT" a new weapon knocked Lance's lion out of the course he was taking. It seemed to suck the energy from the lion and Lance. Keith used red to pull Lance in. They began driving. Pidge, Hunk, and Coran manned the fighter drones. Keith pulled an unconscious weak Lance from his lion. Shiro was just taking Coran's places "Lance.....god...." He held the weak Lance in his arms, tears filling his eyes. He pushed the tears away, burying his face in Lance's chest. The alarms stopped. He guessed logically they'd wormhole jumped. Keith didn't let go of Lance, softly rubbing his head which Keith had softly placed over his shoulder. He cradled Lance, only to stop when he heard soft mutters "this reminds me of our first bonding moment" Lance teased weakly, chuckling. Keith held him tighter "so you do remember" he smiled "of course i did"  Lance winced in pain. Keith wrapped his jacket around Lance "don't worry. You'll be fine" Keith promised "I know" Lance whispered. His eyes were closed "how are you 100% certain?" Keith raised an eyebrow. Lance smiled "because I know you won't let anything happen to me" Lance murmured, weakly coughing and then chuckling "well you're right" Keith softly moved hair out Lance's face and smiled. He picked him up bridal style and carried him in "LANCE!!" Everyone came running as Keith gently placed him on the couch "hey everyone" he smiled and coughed "his energys been drained. He just needs rest" Allura said "hey uh...before I go...I gotta tell everyone something" he said quietly "what is it Lance?" Pidge asked. Everyone looked at Lance with curious eyes "I'm uh....I'm Bi" he muttered. *WHAT!?* everyone stared.

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