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Lance was standing by Keith's healing pod. He's been standing by there for an entire day "Keith...if you can hear me..can you wake up? Voltron needs you....I need you" he whispered, softly touching his healing pod. He sighed and sat down "hey Allura" he said quietly "don't worry Lance. What you did was stupid, but we've got Keith. He'll only be in for a few more ticks" she said. Lance waited. The pod stopped and he stood. Keith's eyes opened some and the pod door dropped "KEITH" Lance pounced on Keith, tightly hugging him. Keith flinched but smiled and wrapped his arms tightly around Lance "KEITH" Everyone came pouring in. No one hugged him longer then Lance. Keith smiled "it's good to be back" he said. Lance stared at all the fresh scars. Shiro coughed, nodding towards the entrance. Everyone got the message and left them alone "I'm glad you're okay" Lance hugged Keith. Keith smiled "thank you" he softly kissed his head. Lance smiled ''I am beyond happy to have been saved by you" Keith whispered softly, pressing his face against Lance's shoulder. Keith softly smiled and Lance held him "you look like you haven't slept in a varga" Keith observed "I-I haven't been sleeping since you were taken..." Lance admitted "well lets change that! we both need a proper rest" Keith picked up Lance. Lance chuckled, yawning. He rested his head sleepily on Keith's shoulder. Keith walked towards Lances room. Everyone stared "COUGH IT UP PIDGE" Hunk yelled "whatever" Pidge handed Hunk 200 GAC. Lance laughed some and kissed Keith's cheek softly. Keith opened Lance's door, closing and locking it. He threw Lance onto the bed and jumped on top, showering him in kisses. Lance laughed and smiled. Keith kissed him and wrapped his arms around Lance. Lance smiled and buried his face in Keith's chest. He began slowly falling asleep. Keith fell asleep as well, them both cuddling.

_____________________________________________Five Months__________________________________________________

Keith had recently come out as gay. Lance and Keith announced their relationship a little while later. Everyone was pretty much supportive. They'd also defeated the Galra.

"Faster" Lance said. Him and Keith were battle training together. Keith launched forward. Their swords clashed. Keith hit Lance and sent him flying. He landed on his feet. His hand scraping the ground. He launched forward, fighting as if he hadn't even been hit. Keith sword held his. He kicked Lance's feet out from under him. Lance hit the ground with a thud. Keith slammed his sword next to his head. His bayard shifted back and Keith pinned Lance "Okay.... you win" Lance breathed, panting "sweet" he chuckled and grabbed Lance's hand, pulling him up "sorry for knocking you back" Keith slipped his arms around Lance's waist and Lance smiled "Its okay. we're just training" He pecked Keith's lip, with a big goofy smile. Keith smiled "when we head back to earth with our lions, will you come and meet my family?" Lance asked "of course" Keith smiled more and rested his head on Lance's chest. Lance softly pet his head "Keith. Lance" Allura was standing in the door way "are you ready? Shiro, Pidge, and Hunk are waiting" She said. "we are. You'll call us when needed right?" Keith asked "Of course...Paladin" She smiled. Keith and Lance grabbed their bags and headed out. Everyone hugged each other. Lance tightly hugged Allura "We'll keep in touch" he promised "good. You guys are my new family" She smiled. Keith hugged Pidge "I know we are all heading the same way. What will we do with the lions?' Shiro asked "I don't know. You'll have to figure that out yourselves" She answered "We are over earth now. stay safe Paladins" Coran said "we will" Pidge said "good bye" Allura smiled "Good Bye" They all gathered into their lions. They launched out. Lance watched the ship fly away via wormhole. They began flying down towards earth. People from the ground looked up in awe and fear. The scattered. The first to land was Shiro. He climbed out his lion, smiling some. The net to land was Pidge. She climbed out, Rover following "its been so long since I've been home" She said, admiring the world. Keith, Lance, and Hunk landed. They all climbed out "I already miss Allura and Coran!" Hunk said "Katie?" a voice from the crowd cane. Pidge turned "MATT" She ran forward. Matt ran forward. They hugged "Keith" Lance placed a hand on Keith's shoulder. Keith smiled and wrapped an arm around Lance. People began screaming and running. A shadow blocked the sky. Everyone looked up "WHAT IS THAT!?" Shiro saw a ship hovering "I THOUGHT WE DEFEATED THE GALRA!" Keith yelled, slipping his helmet on "guess not" Pidge jumped inside her lion "PALADIN TO YOUR LIONS!" Shiro yelled "I'll contact Allura! and get the people to safety!" Lance ran towards people and clicked a button "EVERYONE GET INSIDE!" Lance yelled, rushing people inside "Hello, Lance" Allura's voice came through "ALLURA I NEED HELP! THE GALRA ARE ATTACKING!" He growled "everyone else is holding it off!" He paced back and forth in front of people "Keep the people safe! We're coming!" she promised "will do. they will not hurt anyone" he promised "Mommy...what's going on?" he heard a little girl say 'Don't worry little one, you'll be safe" the mother promised. Lance bent down "don't worry. Me and my Paladins will keep you safe. we will keep everyone safe" he promised "no one. I mean no one will be hurt by the Galra" He said, gripping his gun. a crash came from the glass roof. He aimed. Keith fell through "BABE!" Lance ran forward and dragged a bleeding Keith "its okay its okay! Alluras taking my place by piloting the red lion" He breathed "Hush. stay still" He extracted the blade from Keith's side "it'll hurt for a few ticks" He warned, pushing on the wound as he wrapped a bandage tightly around his side. A few droids busted down, shooting at the people. Lance grabbed his gun and took out all but one. That one grabbed Lance's throat, choking him. He tried prying it off. Keith watched. He reached out for his gun. Keith weakly stood. He ran forward, ramming into the droid. Lance grabbed his gun, shooting it. Lance rushed over, catching Keith as he fell. He pulled him over and against the wall. He wrapped an arm around Lance. ''KEITH" Pidge appeared "The Galra are using swords now apparently" He said, picking up Keith "stay and protect them" He said "YES SIR" Pidge yelled, her lion being inside. Lance got Keith inside the castle and to a healing pod "I love you" He whispered softly, turning around, heading outside. He shot a droid off Hunk only to have everything swirl and him collapse.

Everything was black now.

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