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Keith was pacing his room. It had been two days since they almost kissed. It was still freezing and Lance was asleep *Five Times.....FIVE TIMES OUR LIPS HAD ALMOST TOUCHED.....do....do I love this boy ......I do. Or...I don't ..UGH* He frustratedly growled. Lance stirred, giving a shiver "Keith?" He whispered sleepily "why are you so cold?" He muttered "Don't worry. I'm right here. Is your leg feeling better? Is it still sore?" He asked, laying down. Lance instantly moved closer, burying his face in his chest "my leg feels a lot better" he murmured, yawning and closing his eyes some. Keith smiled. He'd began feeling strange. Everytime Keith saw Lance he felt his heart beat hard and he got nervous. He smiled and pressed his face against Lance's head, taking in his lovely Smell. Lance began purring in his sleep "Cutie" Keith whispered to himself, softly moving hair out Lance's face. He smiled *okay....I think I...might love him* he thought, slowly drifting off, holding Lance lovingly.

"READY KEITH!?" Lance pushed Blue, speeding up "Let's get em Lance!" Keith smirked and slashed through Galra droids. Lance shot one that would've caught Keith by surprise. He was protecting Keith as well as possible. Although the temperature is back to normal and everything's fixed, some nights Lance and Keith would still sleep together. They both clearly liked it, but made sure no one knew. Lance was hit in the shoulder and Keith slashed the other one apart "let's get Shiro and get out" Lance kicked the prison door "move hoti-hothead" he pushed Lance and busted the door open and grabbed an unconscious Shiro. They made it in and out, killing a considerable amount of Galra droids. Everyone celebrated when they returned "he needs a healing pod" Keith carried Shiro to one. Lance felt something strange...anger...no....he felt jealous that Keith was carrying Shiro. He pushed it away and went off to his room. He'd rather have bandages. He fixed his slightly burnt shoulder and. Lance heard a knock "come on in" he called in his normal voice. Keith opened and closed the door, sitting next to Lance "are you okay?" Keith blurted out "my shoulders fine" Lance said "are you sure?" Keith asked, softly touching it. Lance winced softly "sorry. Let me look" he asked. Lance hesitantly nodded and moved his head to allow Keith to remove the bandages "Holy Quiznak" He breathed. The skin was peeling from the burnt wound. Keith softly traced his fingers over it. It felt like leather. Lance hissed in pain "s-sorry" he softly cleaned and bandaged it again. Lance yawned and Keith stood "I'll leave you" he said but as he was walking felt a tug on his wrist and Lance pulled him "will you stay?" He asked. Keith's purple eyes softened and he smiled "sure" he laid next to Lance, whom instantly shot into Keith's body, cuddling him. Keith chuckled "why so eager?" He asked, a soft pink color spreading across his cheek "you're a human space heater" he laughed and pressed his face against Keith's neck. Keith smiled, blushing. Lance looked up at him and moved, his head right next to Keith's. Lance blushed a little. Each could feel the others warm breathe as they slowly closed the gap. Just as their lips brushed a knock came to the door *GOD DAMN IT! I JUST WANTED A KISS!* Lance thought, biting his lip softly "who is it?" He asked, masking his anger "I-Its Shiro" Shiro sounded weak "hold on" Lance called "hide in the bathroom. I don't feel like answering questions" he whispered to Keith "gotcha" he gave Lance a hug and ruffled Lance's hair before hiding like he was told "come in" Lance said. Keith watched from a crack "Hey. When you find Keith can you tell him I wanted to say thank you. To both of you for saving me" he smiled "that's what family's for" Lance said, smiling. Lance stood and Shiro softly hugged him, Lance hugged back. Keith felt his anger boil, seeing Shiro hug the boy he liked *how dare he!? Interrupt our almost kiss! Now he's hugging him!! HE'S MINE!!* Keith wanted so badly to run out and pull them apart but...he didn't. He stayed. He knew Lance would be mad. He glared daggers at Shiro who messed up Lance's hair *HEY ONLY I GET TO TOUCH HIS SILK SOFT HAIR!!* He thought, struggling to hold back a growl. Shiro gave Lance a smile and walked out. Lance relaxed and Keith let a sigh of relief. He walked out and Lance smiled "time to be a good human space heater" he laughed "alrighty" Keith smiled and opened his arms. Lance bolted into his arms and smiled. Keith cuddled him, feeling Lance wrap his arms around Keith waist. He moved. His shirt slipped up a little and Lance touched his bare waist. Keith blushed and looked down at him "sorry" Lance pulled his arm away "I don't mind" Keith softly touched his arms and placed them on his chest under his shirt. Lance's face grew hot and he placed both his hands there and rested his face against him *dang. Cant even get a kiss on the cheek* he thought, stifling a sigh. He waited till Lance was asleep. He looked at his deep sleeping face and laid a kiss on the corner of his mouth before leaving. He yawned and went to bed in his room.

When Lance awoke he frowned to see Keith left. He stood and opened his door, walking into the kitchen to eat. Pidge, Hunk, and Shiro were in there, talking and laughing, cake on the table "mmm that looks delicious!!" He smiled "here take a slice" Hunk put a slice on his plate and Lance thanked him, eating "Yo Lance" Shiro Tilted his head "what?" Lance said with a mouth full "you gonna ...make love to Keith?" He asked "I've seen your googly eyes" he laughed as Lance choked on his cake "God no. I hate him so flipping much. He's disgusting. Like I'd even hug him via choice" he laughed. Unannounced to him Keith was standing behind a wall. Listening. Tears filled Keith's eyes as he heard Lance say "I'd rather do that to Allura" he teased, laughing. A tear fell and Keith turned, running back to his room. He no longer was hungry. He shut his door and jumped on his bed, crying into his pillow.

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