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"H-HOW could you not tell us!?" Shiro asked "i was taking time. Sorting feelings" he explained "that is fine Lance. I personally accept you" Allura said, smiling "Yea. We all do. Because we're all family!" Pidge said, a big goofy smile creeping onto her face. Lance smiled and slowly began falling asleep, feeling Keith pick him up. Keith brought Lance to his own room "200 GAC they kiss tonight" Pidge said, crossing her arms "200 GAC they have se-......Make Love!"  Hunk said, seeing Shiro glare. "You guys really betting on if they make love or kiss....dang" Shiro chuckled. They shrugged.

Keith set Lance down. Lance opened his mouth to speak but Keith stopped him "hush. Sleep" he moved close and laid down, cuddling him softly. Lance smiled and rested his head against Keith's warm chest. He listened to Keith's heart beat "Hey Lance?" Keith whispered "yea?" Lance looked up "I don't hate you" Keith said, wrapping his arms around Lance's waist. Lance smiled, softly placing a hand on Keith's cheek. Keith blushed, placing his hand on Lance's hand. Lance smiled "will you stay until I wake up?" He asked. Keith smiled and nodded "and i heard you in the kitchen those months ago. That's why I was acting like i was. And I'm so sorry" Keith said. Lance frowned "I never meant any of it! I never meant to hurt you" he said softly "I know" Keith smiled "now sleep" Keith pulled Lance against him. Lance smiled and easily drifted to sleep.

When Lance awoke, Keith was gone "Keith?" He sat up. He was feeling a lot better. The toilet flushed and Keith came out "sorry. I had to pee" he said, laying down. Lance moved close against Keith, smiling. Lance looked up at Keith and moved up so they were the exact level. Keith wrapped his arms around him. They stared at each other. Kieth moved his face closer and softly placed a hand on the back of his head. Lance smiled and also moved closer. Their lips brushed together. Keith clised his eyes softly and Lance did as well, them being slightly open. Keith continued moving, kissing him. Lance blushed, kissing back and feeling Keith's hand on tue back of his head, keeping him from moving away. As if he would anyway. They sat there, just kissing until they were forced to pull away for air. Keith smiled "finally got that kiss" He chuckled "you're a really good kisser" Lance said, smiling "can I have another kiss?" Lance asked "yea" Keith said, kissing Lance again. Keith sat up some, leaning on Lance some. Lance wrapped his arms around Keith. Keith climbed on top. The small kiss had turned into a make out session "Hey Keith Ho- AHHHHH MY EYES!" Pidge had walked in. Keith jumped off, pulling away. He stared at her "knocking is a thing!" Keith said "s-sorry i just came to check on Lance. Continue I'll go" she turned and shut the door. Lance chuckled "you're cute when you're flustered" he said. Keith smiled "you're cuter" he smiled. Lance sat on Keith's lap. Keith smiled and let Lance rest his head on his chest. Keith smiled "Hey Lance?" Keith whispered "yea?" Lance looked up. Keith pecked his lips and smiled at Lance's blush "I love you" he whispered softly, pressing his face against Lance's shoulder "I love you to" Lance smiled, doing the same. They sat there cuddling for what felt like forever. Keith softly kissed Lance's head "are you tired?" Keith asked "no. I'm feeling better. Even better when I got a kiss" he smiled. A soft pink blush spread onto Keith's face. He smiled.  "Ya know~" Lance smiled "aren't their 20 letters in the alphabet?" He asked "...there....there's 26" Keith said "ooohh I forgot U R A Q T" he chuckled. Keith laughed some "you're still one off" he laughed "yea. You can have the D later~" Lance winked. Keith blushed. He smiled "I'd reaaaallly love that. What about reverse though?" He chuckled, pulling Lance close. Lance smiled "oh please" he smiled. Keith kissed him, flipping him over.


Keith was cuddling Lance when Shiro walked in "Hey guys I-AHHHHHHHH" He screamed. He saw Lance and Keith shirtless together in bed. Shiro hissed "DISGUSTING!! MY SPACE CHILDREN!! CAN THEY NEVER BE RAISED STRAIGHT!?" He yelled "HEY!" Lance was covered up "GET OUT" Keith threw a pillow at Shiro "GLADLY!! I KNEW I HEARD FUNNY NOISES!" the door closed. Keith and Lance laughed and laid back down "you want to go with me for a little relaxing fly?" Keith asked "yes" Lance kissed his cheek. They got dressed. Lance was walking a little funny "you okay?" Keith asked, concerned "yea" he nodded. Lance climbed into the pods second seat. Keith helped before climbing into the passenger seat. They took off. Everyone knew they went "just, stay safe Paladins" Allura said "we will" he silenced the intercoms. Lance leaned on Keith "K-Keith....what's that beeping?" Lance asked "that ..crap Hunk didn't refuel it. He turned out but one of the engines gave out "Uh oh" he cursed silently "don't worry. The other one works and we're still moving" he reassured Lance. Lance nodded softly, feeling as if something bad was going to happen. As he soon stopped thinking bad things and sighed the back end exploded, forcing their plane into a planet "HOLD ON" Keith was pulling up, trying to get as smooth as a crash landing as possible. They hit a rock on the side. Keith screamed. The front of the pod exploded, shards going everywhere. Keith flew forward, a blood trail following him "L-LANCE BABE!" He yelled, grunting in pain as he crawled forward, blood pouring down his arm. He pulled Lance out. Lance looked okay. He blinked and held his head "are you okay?" He asked. Lance nodded softly "YOUR ARM" He yelled, sitting up "its fine" he lied in absolute pain "It's bleeding" he moved his shirt. A shard was shoved deep inside "....oh my god..." He said "don't worry. That's not that bad" he lifted his shirt, a shard in his side "KEITH! HOLY SHIT" He began panicking "calm down. They'll get us" he said, slowly moving towards the pod. He grabbed his helmet "Allura....?" He said. Lance tried to stop the blood coming from his side "Kei-th" her voice was a little staticy "w-we crashed on a random planet...I think it's a Balmera....but we can't see anyone" he breathed "are and you and Lance okay?" She asked "Keith's bleeding from the side and shoulder and he's losing a lot of blood" Lance said, his hand pressed against the wound as he'd removed the shard. He wanted to curl up and cry but he couldn't. Not when Keith could die. "Hurry .....hello?...its static", he put his helmet into the broken pod. Lance's shoulders we're shaking as he bandaged Keith's side with the bandages on his shoulder which he'd been shot in with a recent fight "don't cry" Keith hugged Lance, letting him sob into his chest "I'm sorry....." He wiped his eyes, sniffing and keeping the rest in. Lance leaned on him carefully "sleep" Keith kissed Lance's head "but what about you?" Lance yelled "I'll be fine" he promised "just.... rest" he pet Lance's head. Lance slowly fell asleep, despite his best efforts to stay awake.

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