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The Paladins had snuck into a Galra ship. The shop had figured out they were on and shut down the ship. Shiro, Keith, Lance, Pidge, and Hunk were running together towards the roof of the ship. They were fighting their way through an army of droids. Keith was by Lance's side. He failed the dodge a laser and was flown back "KEITH?" Lance yelled, stopping "GO I'LL CATCH UP" Keith yelled, standing. Lance nodded running away. Keith's vision was blurry. His head was spinning and he couldn't run properly. Haggar was pushing through the attack to get the Keith "well....the red Paladin" a smile creeped onto her face "shut up he growled at her, his grip tightening on his Bayard. Haggard shot magic at him. Keith was so weak he couldn't dodge in time and everything soon went black.

Lance was pacing back and forth "Lance. Calm down. I'm sure Keith is fine" Allura tried comforting him "NO he should've been home by now! If I hadn't of listened to him maybe-" he was interrupted by Coran "Princess!" He shouted "you. Calm down. Go talk to Shiro" she said, turning and walking away. Lance hesitated before walking to where Shiro was "mind if i join you guys?" Pidge, Hunk, and Shiro were talking "sure" Shiro said, "thanks" Lance said quietly, almost in a whisper. He sat on the couch. He didn't speak much when he did it was soft and quiet. Not like the usual loud and talkative Lance they knew. Shiro huffed and sat next to Lance "what's wrong?" He asked "n-nothing" he wasn't ready to say anything "you can tell me, Lance" Shiro assured him "I...." Pidge sat next to him, rubbing his back "I'm scared" he managed to squeak out, keeping tears from forming "why are you scared?" Pidge asked "...I'm scared Keith won't come back" he whispered. He hung his head, staring at his lap "he will. Allura will make sure of it" Pidge said. Hunk was in the kitchen, getting space goo. He leaned back and Shiro and Pidge hugged him tightly. He didn't cry. He wouldn't cry. Not in front of them. He simply hugged back "I'll be in my room" he said, letting go and standing up "bye" Shiro and Pidge said in sync. As he passed the kitchen sink offered him space goo "uhh.... I'm....I'm not really hungry" he said "okay. Sleep well" Hunk began eating. Lance nodded and went to his room. It felt so empty without having Keith. He laid down. He squirmed around non-stop trying to get comfy without Keith by his side. He failed and grabbed a pillow, wrapping around it like he would with Lance. He began crying softly into it, pulling the cover over him. Lance cried himself to sleep that night.

When he awoke he felt his heart crack at not seeing Keith again and realizing it wasn't just some horrid nightmare. He began crying once more. That's all he felt he could do. Was cry. Cry and see what would happen. He kept his sobs quiet. He heard a knock "Lance? Are you okay?" It was Shiro "I-I'm fine" he lied in the shakiest voice "I'm coming in" he said. Lance wiped all his tears quickly and laid down, shoving his head under the pillow, blanket over top. He heard the door open and Shiro's footsteps stop next to him "let me see you" he demanded "No!" Lance growled. Shiro tore the pillow off his head, seeing Lance's red puffy eyes and a red nose. He sniffed. Shiro sat and hugged him tightly "I'm sorry Lance. Allura asked me to tell you. Keith was caught by the Galra. Zarkon said until they get Voltron they'll use him to see how affective weapons are" he looked away some "what...." Lance's eyes teared up. He began crying again and collapsed to his knees again. Shiro caught him and held him. Lance sobbed into his chest. Shiro comforted him "we'll get him back" he promised. Lance didn't respond but just kept crying and gripped him tighter. He sobbed harder then he'd ever cried before.

Once Lance had calmed down he was dressed in his gear. Shiro was in the bathroom so he had time. He bolted out his room and walked to where the Red lion was. He hesitantly entered "...listen...Red ....I know we aren't connected. You aren't my lion" he began "but I know you can feel Keith. Tell me he's okay. Can't you sense where he is ...if so...take me to him" he begged. Nothing happened "I know you're worried about him. Please" he begged again "I love him. And I need him" he whispered. After what seemed like forever the Red lion powered on. He smiled "sense him red. I know you can" he encouraged her. The door opened and Red sprung out without giving Lance any control. He held on tightly "Lance where are you?" Shiro's voice came through "...I'm finding Keith. His lion can sense him" he said "LANCE NO IT'S TO DANGEROUS!" Allura yelled "I have to try" he whispered, muting them.

"HE'S INSANE! HE MUTED US" Pidge yelled, her gear on "we have to go help him!" Hunk chimed in "you can't! It's exactly what Zarkon wants!" Allura said "we're his friends. Family even" Shiro reasoned "fine. But you get Keith and get back!" She ordered "yes ma'am" Shiro said "NOW TO YOUR LIONS!" She ordered.

Lance was sneaking into the ship. He managed to get past undetected. He was dressed in a droids costume. A Droid walked beside him and grabbed him. He bolted around "Lance calm down" Shiro muttered. Lance calmed. They walked side by side "Pidge and Hunk are also here" he whispered "I never expected you guys to come" he whispered back "well we did. Now let's find Keith" he smiled under his mask "let's find him" Lance and Shiro snuck into the prison corridors "Keith...." Lance felt his heart shatter to a million pieces. Keith was chained up to the wall, bloody and barely breathing. Shiro looked around and threw off the armor. Lance did the same and busted the door opened, yanking the chains the shirtless Keith. He caught Keith as he fell "sh sh sh sh it's okay. I'm here" he picked up Keith. Keith was going in and out of consciousness. Pidge showed up "hurry. Their coming" she growled. Hunk also appeared "let's go" he panted. Lance stood and ran out with Keith.

As they were heading towards the top again the the power to the ship went off "what's happening?" Keith murmured weakly "shush it's okay. Its Lance, I'm here" he whispered to Keith softly "Lance...." Keith smiled. He was so weak smiling seemed to drain energy "sh. Don't talk. You'll waist what energy you have" he whispered. They began climbing out, Shiro grabbing Keith and pulling him up. "Into your Lions" Shiro called. Lance got into Red, holding Keith on his lap. He quietly spoke "Red we've got Keith" he whispered softly. Red gave them no control and flew with Shiro and the others. Just as they all made it out fighter pilots came "THEY FOUND US!" Lance yelled as the fighter pilots began shooting at them. They landed in their spots on the castle. They took off the second those doors closed "Keith? Wake up Keith?"

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