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Lance began hearing hushed whispers "Lance.." he heard Keith's voice. Lance opened his eyes. People surrounded him "are you okay?" Keith smiled some "I feel tired" he grunted, standing up. Keith picked him up "LANCE KEITH!!!" Pidge yelled "what?" Keith turned "someone's been injured!" She called "coming!" Lance shakily jumped out Keith's arms and ran forward "she's....a little girl...." Keith looked down at the little girl who was bleeding from the stomach "I-It hurts" She was crying "here. The healing pod should help" Lance bent and softly picked her up "MY BABY" The girls mother ran forward "follow us" Lance carried the females daughter. The mother was hysterical "you'll be better soon" Lance promised as he placed her in the healing pod "she will be fine. Those things can heal anyone" Keith assured the mother. She nodded. Lance sat next to Keith, leaning on him. Lance smiled at Keith, who smiled back and wrapped his arm around Lance. Lance slowly began falling asleep. "he's purring in his sleep" The mother laughed "he does that all the time" The healing pod began popping up "looks like she's better" Keith got up, gently laying Lance down and walking over. The daughter opened her eyes an softly climbed out "she just needs a sleep now" he let the mother carry the daughter and walked her out "IS ANYONE ELSE INJURED!?" he called to Pidge "NO" Pidge pushed her way through the crowd "good"


It had been two months since they landed on earth. They weren't needed much and they all still lived together in a house. Keith and Lance shared a room. Matt and Pidge had found each other and their rooms were next to each other. Hunk had his own room and Shiro voted to have his room in the basement.

"Hey Keith?" Lance looked up at Keith's loving purple eyes "yea?" He wrapped his arms tighter against Lance "I'm glad we don't have that much work anymore" he smiled "is that because we can cuddle more?" He chuckled. Lance nodded quickly. Keith laughed and kissed Lance's head. Lance smiled and rested his head on Keith's bare chest. Keith softly scratched his head when a knock was at the door "yo?" Keith answered "it's Shiro" Shiro's voice sounded like he didn't want to talk "come in" Lance said in a trance like state with Keith rubbing his head. Shiro entered, looking down at his feet "what is it?" Keith asked, still petting Lance. Lance was smiling "you guys are my family. You know that right?" He asked, sitting next to the bed "yea.... Shiro... you're scaring us" he murmured "I love it here i really do....but...I-I want to go back to the castle with Allura and Coran" he said. Lance sat up "w-what?" Him and Keith sat in silence "I love you guys i really do..but I don't have a real true family. Don't get me wrong you guys are absolutely amazing...but I miss the castle. And Allura and Coran" he hung his head. Lance nodded "hm...if you want to go. We can't force you to stay" Lance said "I've already told the others. They won't try to stop me. I'll still be in communication" he promised. Keith spoke "we'll help you pack later tonight" he promised "thank you" he hugged them. They hugged back. Shiro turned red "uhm...a-are you naked?" He raised an eyebrow. Lance sheepishly chuckled and nuzzled Keith "guys gross!!" He yelled, standing "kidding!" Lance said, laughing. Keith laughed "cya later tonight" he promised "bye" he stood and smiled softly before leaving the room. Lance laughed "but we are naked" he chuckled and Keith wrapped his arms around around Lance's waist "oh well, let's just not tell him that" he laughed and kissed Lance's forehead. Keith smiled softly as Lance buried his face into Keith's chest softly. Keith softly rubbed his head. Lance fell asleep and Keith didn't complain. He soon also fell asleep.

Keith awoke to soft sobs. He opened his eyes softly and saw Lance. He was hunched over the bed crying. He sniffed "Lance?" Keith sat up and softly touched Lance's shoulder. Lance turned, making a soft breathing noise. He teared up more and hugged Keith tightly, crying more "hey hey hey. Don't cry now" he comforted Lance. Lance sniffed and rubbed his eyes, shivering "you're freezing" Keith said softly, wrapped a blanket around Lance after wrapping himself around him "shhhh...it's okay. I'm here" Keith softly rubbed Lance's head "did you have a bad dream?" He guessed, holding a crying Lance. He nodded and wiped his eyes "it was just a bad dream okay. I'm right here" he promised, rubbing Lance's head. Lance sniffed and breathed shakily. He pressed the side of his face against Keith's chest "what dream did you have?" Keith asked, softly kissing his head "I....I hurt you...." His eyes teared up "and..you left me forever" a few tears stained their sheet "I'd never" Keith promised again, holding Lance. Lance listened to his heartbeat. Keith was petting his head. He calmed down quickly and looked up at Keith. Keith smiled and Lance smiled happily. Keith softly kissed him, cuddling him. A knock came "who is it?" Keith called "it's Shiro. I'm leaving soon" he said "we'll be out in a moment" Lance said "are you okay now?" Keith asked, softly rubbing his back. Lance nodded "you need to cut that mullet one day" he said, chuckling "never" Keith rubbed his head "let's go" he softly pulled the cover off "K-Keith it's cold" Lance shivered. Keith smiled "I'll keep you warm hold on" Keith got up and went to their closet, grabbing one of his shirts and smiling, putting his head through the hole. Lance smiled "space heaters hole" and laughed. Keith almost choked on the water he had by his bedside table. He stood "dude. Gross" he laughed. Lance winked "stahp" Keith tackled Lance "OOF NUU" Lance struggled and Lance began tickling him.
Once they had got dressed Keith wrapped his jacket around Lance and pulled him close "I love you" he murmured, smiling "I love you too" Lance muttered softly, smiling and wrapping his arms around Keith. Keith softly kissed his head "you ready?" He asked. They'd switched jackets "yep" he nodded "let's go" he sighed "I'll miss Shiro" he said, wrapping an arm around his waist and walking out with Keith. He nodded "me to" Keith sighed. When the got outside Shiro was already there. His lion was gone and in the castle. Pidge was saying her goodbye to space dad. Lance said the first goodbye out of him and Keith "I'll miss ya goofball" Shiro laughed some. Lance nodded and hugged him tightly. Shiro hugged back "alrighty Keith come here" he chuckled. Keith rolled his eyes and hugged Shiro "be good" he messed up Shiro's hair and flicked him "ouch" he chuckled "bye" he softly pulled from the moments hug "bye guys. I'll miss you" he called softly "bye" they all called. Keith wrapped his arms around Lance tightly and Lance smiled some, waving. The castle began leaving. Within seconds the castle was gone. Keith softly turned and kissed Lance. Lance smiled and kissed back, putting his forehead against his "shortie" Lance teased "I'm not short!! Just missing an inch!" He crossed his arms "come here" he crouched. Keith climbed on his back and Lance carried him back to their room.

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