Chapter #1

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{ recorded and documented by the A.I.S.A.S. }

      The fiery glow of the Nether was thick with heat. Embers from the fires flew all-around following the slight breezes. A towering Nether castle poked through the fiery fog. The Nether bricks forming the castle seemed to make the Nether even more terrifying. Through the dark red windows of the castle, a throne surrounded by cooling lava stood proudly. The one who owned the castle was not sitting in the throne he had made, instead, he stood before it. He faced his most trusted warriors, who were bowing before him.

      They were so still, they looked like statues. There were five in each of the two rows, ten in all. The warrior bowing right in front of him was the strongest of them all. The owner of the castle's glowing white eyes marveled at his greatest warrior, for he had just recently destroyed Entity's strongest soldier. And now they had the upper hand.

      "I have a new mission for you Flashsporkotron. I want you to lead the others on a quick errand." The man still staring, waited for a response.

     "If you are sending us and not one of your whither skeletons, that means skilled combat will be necessary... So, what is our target?" The warrior's Neon purple eyes looked up as he said this, With a small grin on his face.

[Somewhere in the over world]

      "I'll take ten of these." A young man slapped some golden carrots on the store counter. He wore a red shirt and had wavy blond hair. The cashier looked at the carrots and shrugged.

      "That will be three diamonds, sir." Stricken by the cost, the young man jumped back.

     "Three whole diamonds!!!... No thanks, I'll stick to normal carrots for now." After his purchase, the young man slipped out the door munching on the carrots he had just bought and enjoying the scenery of the small town. He enjoyed going into town. It was much nicer than a bed and chest in an abandoned cave.

      Some soldiers training for the distant war marched down the street. The young man covered a part of his face as casually as he could, just in case any of them recognized him. The young man had been on the run for a few months now. However, he couldn't remember what he had done. He didn't remember anything past a few months ago. He just woke up one day wondering what was going on. The only thing he could remember past him waking up was someone saying his name. He didn't even remember the man's face. Just the sound of a man telling him what his name was. 'Your name is Sparksbrine, and don't forget that.'

      Thankfully he had remembered. Ever since Sparksbrine woke up he had been chased by men and women dressed in camouflage, who he later found out were the very people protecting this world from the dangerous zombies, skeletons, creepers, and spiders that threatened the safety of the citizens. Sparksbrine wished he could join them. The soldiers probably went on so many adventures together. There were only two things keeping him from becoming a soldier like the others.

      The first was obvious, he was a wanted man. The second was that he had no idea how to fight. A zombie came by one time and Sparksbrine had to bury himself underground. He almost died that night and he knew he wasn't the kind of person to respawn. Curious?

      Well, there are two groups in this world. The first group of people are the players. If they die they would respawn and go back to what they were doing as if they had never left. The second group of people were the Micro citizens, who couldn't respawn. They are the ones who usually stick together and build towns while the players wander about. Many players call the Micro citizens, AI. Many of the Micro citizens/Micros, call the players, Dreamers, or sometimes when they want to sound smart, Dreamers of another dream. The sun was beginning to set as Sparksbrine slowly strolled to the edge of the town toward his little cave. A purple flash of light suddenly beamed as a Nether portal appeared right in front of him. Knowing he was in trouble Sparksbrine ran back into town.

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