Chapter #6

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[Chapter 6: The End]

      Dizzy... Sparksbrine woke up. He was laying on the ground. His head hurt more than he thought it ever could. He laid flat on his back afraid to open his eyes. The ground under him was cold and lifeless. The air around him felt dark and cold, almost death-like. He didn't feel any sunshine on his face. It seemed as if the sun had never shown it's lovely warmth to this cold and desolate ground. Sparky opened his eyes and saw a purplish sky above him. It looked like millions of distant fading stars shining in the distance, none of them were very close. Columns of obsidian stood silently in Sparky's peripheral vision, just waiting for someone to climb them.

     "Is this the End?" Sparky whispered to himself. He held his head in place as he slowly sat up. He was still recovering from going through the portal.

      "Yeah. The first time I went through a portal my head hurt too." Neon interrupted the sound of silence with his voice. He had been sitting on a wooden stair looking up at the sky with wonder in his eyes.

     "Wha?!" Sparksbrine turned around to see Neon. He wished he hadn't, the sudden movement hurt his head. Sparky looked over at the warrior who was still silently looking at the sky in awe of its deathly beauty. Everything about this place seemed as if it had been here longer than the oldest tree in the world.

      "Herobrine told me to keep an eye on you so don't try to kill any Ender Dragons." Neon looked at Sparky in a playful and joking way. Sparky didn't think Neon's joke was very funny though. He knew now he would have to kill that dragon if he wanted to escape and he was willing to risk everything to go back home and save his friends, who were still in those cages.

      "Hey sparky, look at that." Neon pointed upward in the direction Sparky was facing away from. Once he turned around, Sparky saw something he was not expecting. A huge castle made mainly out of End stone, obsidian, and nether bricks, towered over the obsidian pillars that circled around it. "And I thought the one in the Nether looked cool. This is on a whole new level of evil structures. Just look at the detail!" Neon was clearly impressed. Sparky just looked up at it in silence. Even his brain couldn't think of anything to think about. He just stood in silence and stared at the horrifying structure. Neon teleported around. He looked at the pillars and the end stone they were standing on.

      "Hey, Sparky. The End is a giant floating island! I can see where it drops into the void!... Hey look, I found an enderman! I don't see many of these things in the Nether!.. And is that an endermite!?! I have only heard of them!" Sparky wasn't having as much fun. He just looked around, emotionless. But Sparky had never seen Neon so excited before.

     'I guess behind all that toughness, is just a someone who likes to explore, kinda like me.' Sparky thought it funny that he was sympathizing with, Neon, who had helped trap him in the first place. 'I may as well explore too.' After thinking this, Sparky followed Neon and looked around with him. It seemed as if they had been friends their whole lives as they looked at endermen and endermites together. Neon decided to tell Sparky some of the information that he did know about endermen.

      "If you look an enderman directly in the eyes, it will attack you." To demonstrate, Neon pulled out his sword and looked one directly in the eyes. The only thing that happened though was an intense staring contest between the two.

     "I guess you got your facts wrong Neon." Sparky said with a little sarcasm in his voice. Then he stared into the same enderman's eyes. The three-block tall monster no longer wanted to play the staring game, instead, he punched Sparky in the face. Strange and evil noises rose from the monster and they slowly grew louder. This noise was the most terrifying sound Sparky had ever heard. He pulled out his sword and held it in front of him, ready to block the incoming punches.

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