Chapter #8

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      It took a long time, but finally, Candy, DJ, and Tedder had enough ender eyes to re-light the End Portal. Candy and DJ had been fighting endermen for what seemed like days. Tedder even helped by pouring water on the three-block tall monsters. In the time they had been crafting the ender eyes, JoeDub showed up with an inventory full of cooked fish. Good thing too, because all that fighting made them hungry. As they all ate, JoeDub told them the News.

     "I just wanted to let you guys know that QuietIsViolent7 found the Citizens. She dug into one of their tunnels they had made trying to find their way out. The others quickly joined her in helping them dig out and hiking back home. I and BellaBear helped feed them, there were a lot of hungry mouths to feed and most of them hadn't eaten in days. I heard the heartwarming news that many of the players had given their food to the Micros even though they were about to die of hunger. I guess with the ability to respawn, it isn't hard to be selfless."

      "Awwww, how nice. I always like it when people think of others and not just themselves." Candy's smile grew as she heard what JoeDub had told them. "Sorry, we didn't come to help. We were busy fighting over a million zombies and endermen... By the way, how did you get in here? The only tunnel that leads into here was blocked off by over ten layers of cobblestone and guarded by a horde of zombies." JoeDub just blinked and then said.

     "....Wait, where are we?" Everyone just stared at him as he stared back at them blankly.

      "Well... even though staring is SUPER fun, let's go save Sparky." Candy decided to be the one to end the staring contest and get things moving again. Right as Candy interrupted, everyone began moving towards the portal, ender eyes in hand.

     "Wait! Sparky is missing!? Why are we going into the End?" JoeDub asked. Together they all explained what happened while JoeDub was away.

     They struggled a bit, but finally, all the Ender eyes were correctly put into place and the End Portal lit up, revealing the starry illusion once again. One at a time, Candy, DJ, Tedder, and even, JoeDub, jumped into the End portal. If they knew what was waiting for them they might have decided to wait for help.

     Time passed like drops of water leaking through a cave roof. Not much happened in the first few minutes. The four, who just arrived in the End, waited a while and listened to the sound of endermen mumbling. The End was silent compared to the world they had just escaped from. Even the endermen tiptoed around as if they were all trying not to wake a napping baby. Deciding to interrupt the silence, Tedder said out loud for all to hear;

      "Why is it so quiet?!?" Everyone turned towards Tedder as if he had just thrown all their weapons and armor into a pool of lava.

     "Ssshhhhh!!" All of them hushed. The four began walking around. They marveled at the huge castle and crept around the walls, looking for an entrance. They walked all around but couldn't find a single door or window.

      "Maybe if we walk around six more times the wall will come tumbling down." Candy giggled at her little joke. Only Tedder snickered in response.

     "Really Candy?... How about we build a staircase with what we have to the top of the castle so we can see if there is an entrance on the roof." DJ was the one who decided to be serious and come up with a useful plan. 

     After a little whispering, Tedder, DJ, and JoeDub gave their blocks to Candy and turned around so they could gather more. Candy began building a spiral staircase along the side of the wall as everyone else dug into the pale End Stone. Soon the excuse for a staircase was finished and all four of them ran up the blocks that made it. The staircase was made out of every kind of block, even some of the obsidian Tedder had gathered earlier. Once on the roof, Tedder, Candy, JoeDub, and DJ, looked for a hole in the roof. They sighed in relief when they finally found a hole that lead into the indestructible Fortress. A three by three-hole let the little light there was into the largest room of the castle. Candy was the first to poke her head through the hole.

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