Chapter #9

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     Suddenly, a black sphere emitting purple embers flew towards the six of them. Everyone scattered in different directions to avoid the threatening object. Once the sphere hit the ground it erupted, sending everything near it flying into the air. JoeDub, who was too close to the explosion began floating up into the air. Bubbles emitted from him as he realized he was no longer on the ground.

     "Someone help!!" Joe yelled, looking down at the others. Tedder was close enough to grab Joe's legs. He was able to weigh him down a little but soon Tedder was in the air, still holding on to Joe's legs. The shadow turned towards Joe and Tedder and swooped down at them. Right before the beast was able to touch the helpless Tedder and Joe, DJ shot an arrow at it. The creature seemed unphased but stopped in it's tracks to see who had poked it. Sparky had never seen the creature before but once it looked at him and DJ he knew exactly what it was.

     "Is that the Ender Dragon!!" Even though Sparky was pretty sure what it was, he still wanted to ask. DJ looked to his right to see Sparky. He smiled the kind of smile an old warrior would when training a young group of noobs.

     "Yup!" DJ then looked at the dragon and shot another arrow. That time it shot the dragon right in the face. "I am sure glad I didn't sleep during archery lessons!" DJ smiled as he pulled out more arrows. The dragon looked like it wished DJ had slept during all his classes.

     As soon as it got shot in the face it started circling around the castle. Candy pulled whatever blocks she had in her inventory and started building up right underneath Tedder and JoeDub. She built a small platform just in time for Joe's floating effect to wear off. They both fell a few blocks until they landed on the platform Candy had made. After Joe's scary time floating up into space, he helped Candy mine away the blocks as quickly as he could. Soon all of them were back together on the roof. They all stood in a circle, back to back, and watched the vicious beast fly around. The dragon looked intently for an opening. It studied all six of them as it flew around.

     "Stay on your guard!! prepare to defend yourself!!" Candy shouted to everyone else over her shoulders as her left arm reached into her inventory and pulled out her diamond axe. Tedder pulled out his flint and steel and DJ continued shooting at the dragon. The occasional arrow hit the beast but it didn't lose much health. JoeDub pulled out two almost broken iron axes and crouched into an awesome battle stance, probably to build his confidence.

     After it had analyzed it's targets, the dragon swooped down at the group, right at DJ. DJ used this moment to pull out his sword and do the limbo right as the dragon flew where he was just standing. As DJ avoided being body-slammed by the dragon, DJ lifted his sword right into the monster's stomach. The diamond blade cut right through the dragon's tough scales. The beast roared with pain and flew upwards as quickly as possible. Right before the dragon flew off DJ sliced at it a couple more times. Candy pulled out her bow and shot at it's side while DJ was cutting it from underneath.

     JoeDub pulled out his fishing rod and flung it at the dragon as well. The fishing rod didn't do much damage but it still hurt the beast. The dragon regretted attacking the soldier as it desperately flew up as quickly as it could. The end of Joe's fishing rod got stuck on one of the dragon's large scales and he was lifted again into the air. This time right behind the dragon.

(" I don't know why I didn't just let go. The dragon was flying up into the air with my fishing rod stuck to it. I should spend all my diamonds on feather-falling if I keep ending up in dangerous situations like that one. Once I was in the air, everything blurred, and soon I was sitting on the monster's back, holding onto my fishing rod like it was a lead around a cow's neck. I was too scared to look down. I just healed on to my fishing rod as tightly as I could and hoped it would end soon. ")

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