Chapter #4

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      Neon stood silently in the dark cave. He knew exactly where Sparky was, the only problem was that he was with a talented soldier. He would have to think about his next move. Suddenly, a bright light like an enchantment appeared right next to him. Neon shielded his eyes from the blinding light that soon became Herobrine himself.

      "Herobrine!" Neon bowed immediately at the sight of his dictator.

      "Where is Sparksbrine? Have you already finished him off? Or are you the coward of the group and have run away from your mission?" Herobrine showed no emotions while asking these questions.

      "Sir, I have been following Sparksbrine ever since I was separated from the others. He is right over there." Neon pointed to the top of the other wall where the two slept beside the torch.

      "Why have you not killed him then?!? He is right over there just....."Then an eerie noise rang through the cave bouncing off the walls. Neon wasn't affected by it, but Herobrine sure was. He threw up his hands up to cover his ears. His entire body crumpled into a defensive position. His eyes were sealed shut, but when he opened them they glowed a light gold color.

      "Ghhaaa!!!" Herobrine groaned in pain. He definitely didn't like the sound. Neon was shocked to see his master In such pain. In response he slowly drew his sword and prepared to slice the man who had killed his father so long ago... But before he got the chance, Herobrine gave in to the eerie noise.

      "All right!. All right!! Fine!... I'll stick to the plan!" The noise stopped and Herobrine fell to his knees, recovering from the pain. Herobrine looked up slowly at his fiercest warrior. As he did so, Neon replaced the sword with a cookie.

      "What would I do without you?" Herobrine carefully took the cookie from Neon's hand. He looked weak and his voice was very shaky.

      "What was that?" Neon had never seen Herobrine in pain like that before.

      "Some new client.. He wants the boy alive." Herobrine's sigh told Neon that he had no desire to give any more information. After that, Herobrine sat down on the wall with his legs dangling above the horde of zombies, and slowly ate the cookie. Neon sat further away beside him. They both sat staring in the direction of the torchlight. Neon decided to finally ask:

      "So... What's the plan?.."

[The next morning]

      When Sparksbrine woke up, the cave was just as dark as before. Sparky sat up and looked around in the darkness. It would have been pointless to look around, accept instead of seeing nothing like before, Sparky saw a very dim light far in the distance. It definitely hadn't been there before. 'Is it sunlight? Probably not, we are down too deep. Is it torchlight? Maybe, but that means someone passed by, and that is unlikely.. Unless if Neon and his friends followed me here. What if they are lurking in the shadows?!?'

    "DJ we have to go!" Sparky shook DJ awake.
    "What-the?!. Dude! What you want me up for?!"
    "We have to go! Get up!" Sparky pointed to the light.
    "Good eye Sparky! It's a way out!"
    "Noo! We need to get away from it. Let's try to find the way we came in."

      Sparksbrine would prefer to walk on zombies ten more times rather than face Neon and his friends again. DJ just ignored Sparky and began walking along the wall towards the light. Sparky didn't want to argue but he prepared an "I Told You So" speech encase they got into trouble. DJ and Sparky both held a torch in one hand and a sword in the other. DJ walked towards the light until a gap between the maze walls stopped them in their tracks.

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