Chapter #5

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      Drip, drip, drip. Water slowly fell from the dark stone ceiling and landed on the stone underneath. It was so dark, Sparksbrine had to squint to see the slightest bit of light coming from distant lava pools below. He tiptoed with extreme caution.

      Slowly, and quietly, Sparky got closer and closer to the end of the cave. He had been walking through the dark tunnel for what seemed like days, though it had only been a sunrise and a half.

      'Where are you, DJ? Please don't be dead in a lava pit, please.'

      Sparky finally saw the light coming from the end of the tunnel. It was just behind the corner. Sparksbrine swung around to see through the exit and was almost blinded by the strong rays of light. He hadn't seen the sunshine in what he thought might have been days. There he stood at the tunnel's exit, blinded by sunlight. Once his eyed adjusted, Sparky noticed that he was not finally outside. Instead, he saw a large room carved out of stone. The roof funneled up where the sunshine beamed into the cave, which seemed brighter than usual. The beams of golden light sparkled down onto a platform in the center of the room. The platform was raised up above a lava pit, which served as the room's floor.

      "Welcome Sparksbrine." An eerily calm voice Sparky had never heard before echoed into his ears. Sparksbrine looked down onto the platform where a man stood. He hadn't been there before, how did he get there?

      "Who are you and where is DJ?!?" Sparksbrine could hear a bit of terror in his own voice.

      "Don't you remember me? I sure didn't forget you!" The man's glowing White eyes showed frustration at a memory Sparky didn't share with him.

      "Were we old friends? Did I do something to make your eyes like that or were you just born that way?"

      "This isn't a game Sparksbrine!! You know why I am here and you are just trying to stall your demise! You can't talk your way out of this one, you can only fight!" The man then drew a sword Sparky had never seen before. Sparky didn't know what to do with the stranger. The man had no armor, but his eyes showed no mercy. Sparky slowly took a small step backward.

      "What are you doing?!?" The man growled.

      "Leaving, I guess. I am not really in the mood to fight a noob right now." As soon as he said "noob", Sparky knew he was not going to get away easily.

      "What did you call me?" The man only grew angrier. Sparky's face now looked as if he had just been caught stealing a cookie from the cookie store. He now wished he hadn't said anything. "You sure have changed since I last saw you. I wonder, do you remember anything before the code bomb?"

      "What is a code bomb?" Sparksbrine's question answered Herobrine immediately. Sparky hoped the man would have compassion for the person in the room who had no idea what was going on.

      "Oohh... So that's why..." The man did seem to calm down a little.

      "Why what?" Sparky hoped for some answers as he said this.

      "Never mind that, there is someone I would like you to meet, you two have already met but I figured you'd like to meet the one who helped me plan all this." Right after the man said that purple particles swirled around as Neon teleported beside his master. Sparky jumped back. This man must have been who Neon and his friends were talking about. This man was Herobrine!

      "Nice to see you again, Sparky." Neon said a little cocky. He probably was beginning to understand how much Herobrine needed him.

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